Would it be possible to set up guest accounts on Hive without official registration? One feature of easy access is commenting.
@starkerz and @theycallmedan (@threespeak, @spknetwork) are working on tying ceramic accounts to Hive. The idea is that you can easily start posting and commenting simply by linking your email address or some other identification method to a ceramic/Hive account. The account can receive upvotes and any earnings from your comments would be exclusively associated with you. At some point in the future you can claim those rewards by following through with the full onboarding process.
their recent DHF proposal where they explain their plan for One-Click Onboarding (and add your support to the proposal, if you think what they're planning to do seems worthwhile).Also, @anomadsoul and the Leo folks are doing something similar, see
Thank you very much for this info. One-click onboarding sounds good.