Le Onion cheers up my Pregnant Doggo!

in #ocd3 years ago


Pregnant Doggo and Le Onion!

Grrrrr, @hiddenblade the Foreshadowed post has finally arrived! This is a short UwU post for peeps that i missed all those years ago. Not really sure if ethan was kicking 2-years ago or was it just my hallucination. Ehh i guess if you see this Hiddenblade, can you comment if you had Ethan as a pet 2-years ago.



That's right, hahaha we going to play a small mini game. Try to count how many Onions you saw until the very end of the post. If your correct you get a BIG FAT UPVOTE

So you might be wondering to yourself. Who is this Le onion, originally it was a meme circulating around the Guild server i joined a long time ago. The Onion is a reference to a Monster in the game.

Keppa Roast Challenge

Made by Ayalon. (In game: Larthiel)


Keppa is a trash mob within the game of Tree Savior Online. Not only is it the weakest enemy but the onion seems to pop out of anywhere and lurks at the most unexpected of places. As such the meme was born that at every corner there's always a keppa. And if your character dies to mobs because you were AFK, go ahead and blame the keppa.

I almost got sidetracked, i'll save the keppa stuff on another post. For now lets focus on mah doggo and Le Onion!.

About a week ago i left a comment to hidden blade concerning Ethan. Realizing that there was a lack of companionship for Ethan, I took it upon myself to create some company for the lonely doggo.

As i was creating the idea in my head, i felt like taking pictures of my doggo as material for my art. Thats when i noticed the bugger was Preggers!



Initially i thought that my Mother Doggo was just gaining weight, but nah this growth on her belly only means one thing. PREGNANCY!

Aghh Dammit! She already gave birth to the 2 doggo's you see beside here. The Light toned doggo is a Sigma male while the patterned one is a Bitch
*(Female Dog).


Photo Taken by @hiddenblade


While i was drawing. I sort of got bored with the style and lack off surprise. Especially since i always include a shitpost or a out of place drawing. Welp! Here it is, a Thicc Omni mann Le onion!

Im not sure why, but the reaction of Ethan is priceless. It looks like Le Onion released some Dangerous Gases and Ethan is like. NOPE! IM OUTTA HERE!

Anyways, hahha i guess thats about it for the post. I really should make these things shorter and more frequent, my previous post are cluttered with the step by step drawing process. So ehhh

I guess we can include one, imma pick my favorite as the one to expand upon.

Screenshot (1393).png

Rough Sketch

As always, the rough/final outline. Another speedrun. Doing so many drawings for one post might result in higher quality! But Damn boi, the effort required is alot more than i imagined.

++ 15 Social Credits for the Chinese greeting.

Screenshot (1394).png
Added Base colors

For the Body, its Light yellow.

(White Gradient top)
(Dark Gradient bottom)

For the Leafy greens. The base color is GREEN!

(Yellow green Gradient top)
(Dark green Gradient bottom)

You might be wondering to yourself, Aren't onions Purple? Phaa! There are different Varieties mah boi! For Le Onion.

He is a Yellow onion *(Scientific name = Allium cepa L.)
The Sweet yellow onion variety.

Screenshot (1395).png

Added Extra's

I guess after adding the shadows and lighting, that's about for the cover art. Aside from that just repeat the process for all the other drawings except for the Omni Onion. *That one is special. Huhuhuhuhuhu.


I guess that's about it. Me and my doggo pretty much just played for the rest of the day. *The onion getting too attached.

All thats left is to find the Father and CRUCIFY HIM! pat him as well. Anyways yep, that's the end of the post. HHahaa sorry if i haven't been able to comment much on other peeps post. This drawing thing is draining me, especially the Christmas rush.

Anyways i'll just ping some folks to get some reaction from them. Hopefully you peeps COMMENT! GRRRRR!


Hmm i guess thats all of them, Atleast the ones i interact on discord frequently. Also i hope you enjoy Onion bread Apsu! Huhuhuhhu.

Also @mobbs, since your the medical expert. Last time when mother doggo gave birth, there was a 50% mortality rate for her pups. What should i do to prevent them from pressing ALT+F4.

*Going to give them away.(Too many dogs to feed)
Signing out with lots of LuV!

-- Takuri


Sorry but I'm not sure if tagging people is the best way to get reactions from them :D

I'm afraid that would encourage people to tag other people to posts, like they used to do few years ago. It was terrible and awkward, even though I was a nobody back then.


I shall keep tagging Apsu and only apsu in every post.

But but yeah, no worries i'll be sure to only tag people that im doing fanart for. *(+Apsu tag)

Check out communities on peakd, you gotta post within them, not just tag a community.


Why the onion has a cat face tho?

All hail china! +5 Social Credits.\

If i include chinese propaganda, Mao Zhedong will give me the N word-pass

Done with the comment - nice moves man. Sobrang antok pa ako I didn't count the number of onions na disturb na ako

HHhaha, you commented pass midnight. No wonder your drowsy

Night shift ako. Hahah call centerist.

Explains why your only active during the night.

Here i thought you were a vampire. Who likes Onions and Garlic

Nahh. hahah I am an android much better than a vampire and my fuel is Hive and HBD.

Hopefully you peeps COMMENT!



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Ethan is only 10 months old so no I didn’t have him 2 years ago XD
Haha anyone would probably run if they see an onion twerking randomly
Also preggy doggo u dirty s-just kidding


Le onion is da best, ethan is just shy thats all.

I refuse all allegations that my doggo and Le onion had any affair