Her Greed, Our death

in #ocd3 years ago


This was inspired by the trending video of a lady killed for rituals in my area.

I hid and watched as they molested her.
Each time they hit her, my heart got pierced. I could literally feel her pains.

Her cries,
They pierced my inner soul.
The pains displayed on her beautiful face, the anguish she was going through,
Her cry for help, that sweet voice of hers' begging for mercy.
Begging to be spared.

She was once my lover, I loved her with all my heart, we were almost one soul. I remember all the times we spent together, the fun we had, the meals, the adventure we all took together.

I remember the times we made love, the promises we made to each other under the blanket.
I remember that night, I fell terribly sick, was at the point of death, but she still stood by me.
I'm alive today thanks to her.
I remember each time we had problems, when she'd come apologizing, even when I was wrong.
Her sweet and melodious voice, the voice that made me do crazy things
The same voice that could make me Cum in minutes with it's soft and sexy moans.

I remember everything.
But, unfortunately, they were all in the past.
Forever doesn't exist, I was a proof to that.

6 months ago,
It still feels like yesterday.
Everything came crumbling down, like something thrown into the sky, gravity worked on it, it came falling hard.
Everything we spent years building came crashing in minutes.
She left
She wanted something better.

Obviously, I wasn't okay for her
Who would choose a young struggling guy over a rich, money spending nigga?
she was blinded by her love for money.
She wanted to feel big and spend big.
So she left, she broke me
she left me wallowing in pains, left me shattered and feeling dead.
Left me filled with suicidal thoughts
I mean, what would life be without her?


I walked into the deeper part of the bush, with the rope in my hand.
Only one thought on my mind
To go meet with the creator, or maybe the devil.

I walked deeper
then I heard voices.
A voice was crying out loud, begging to be spared.

I decided to go peep, to feed my eye on my last earthly scene, that was probably my undoing.
I traced the voice to a part of the bush covered with leaves, it was prolly prepared for this same evil act.

There she was.
The lady.
The same voice that drew me here.
I couldn't see her face cos she was backing me
She whimpered. probably tired of crying.
I watched as the hit her again, she shouted.

That voice!
It couldn't be!
I moved to a comfortable spot where I could see her face.
There she was.
The only lady that had ever mattered to me.
The last that left with some part of my heart.
From what it seems, she was to be used for rituals.
She was already beaten to submission.
He brought out a knife, ready to complete their mission.
My heart split into pieces
My head spinned
All the memories came rushing back.

I couldn't let them kill her.
She hurt me and they've already hurt her enough.
At this point, my thoughts were filled with her.
He raised the knife, and like the signal I was waiting for, I threw myself out.
I threw myself for love.
I know I probably wouldn't be able to save her, but I should die trying.


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Wow, there's a lot of drama here. Captivating to the end.
He thought he was done with her, hated her for betraying him.
Yet in the end, he found he loved her still and was willing to die for her.


Thanks for reading