Do you feel bored when reading books? Do you feel sleepy when you sit to read books and think you can do something else inspite of it? Do you feel distracted everytime you pick up a book and then you either sleep or anyway read it because you have to do it?
Well, if the answer is yes, let me tell you that it was the same with me years back. But then in 2012, one day I was at my cousin’s place and sitting on the bed. There was a side table attached to the bed. And on that side table was lying a book which I picked up to read I don’t know why, maybe I was alone at the home and had nothing to do at that time.
I picked up the book and started reading it. To my surprise, just after reading a few pages, I started liking the book and I did not get up from my place till I finished it. Yes, you got it right. I liked the book so much that I finished it in no time.
And after that I have been suggesting that book to every person I meet or say every person close to me and want to know about good books to read.
So, the point is I think some people avoid reading books because they think that they will get bored and they can choose from enough other alternatives to refresh their mind and have some fun time.
To such people, I want to tell you all that you think it because maybe you haven’t read a good book yet. Because once you do it, it becomes an addiction and then there is no going back. You keep on searching, looking for good books to read in your daily routine or for otherwise. You can take my example here. Even I did not like reading books in the beginning, but that one book I read that day completely changed my thinking I had about reading books. Now, at this time, I believe that -
Reading good books can do advantage to you that you cannot imagine even in your dreams. Imagine you are in stress and you pick up a good book to read. Reading that book will distract you from your stressful world and take you to a new world where you will find your problems but to a solution with it. In other words, I want to say that good books are motivational in the sense that they can change your complete world at a time and give you a new perspective or outlook on life.
For eg - While reading a book, you may come across a line or a paragraph, that hits you so hard that it completely changes the way you think or even makes you realize a mistake that you have been avoiding for long out of ego, or lack of awareness. Reading good stuff can make you correct your mistakes and persuade those you have hurt in ignorance if possible.
Reading books has so many other advantages. Read below to know about them -
1. Reading helps you gain knowledge

This is the most obvious benefit of reading books. When you read a book, you learn something, you gain knowledge. Different kind of books offer you different kind of knowledge. For eg - if you read a travel book, you gain knowledge about a place to travel, budget friendly places, beautiful places, famous places, places for fun, places for kids. Similarly, if you read a biography or a autobiography, you get to know about the famous people in the history, how their lives affected other several lives and continue to inspire till today. If you read a cook book, you learn new ways to cook, easy cooking, maybe also how to be a better cook. Business books can give you the insight into a new business, a unique business idea, or a superb idea for your already established business. Self help books help you develop your personality, vocabulary books can help you enhance your communication skills and change you way, attitude, or tone with which you talk to people. The more effective you get with your communication, the more confidence you gain, and ultimately you can help yourself a lot with your real life scenarios. And hence, reading a good books has no demerits and will only help you in the long run with several ways.
2. Reading helps you gain educational knowledge

Many studies have shown that in building the habits of reading books in children from a small age helps them to be a enhanced reader as they grow up, make a command over the languages, gain all the basic knowledge, and persuade them to be a helper in education as they grow up.
3. Reading strengthen your writing ability

To be a great writer, first you have to be a great reader. And yes, that’s true. The more you read, the more you learn, and the more exceptional you become with your writing skills. Believe me, once you make reading your daily habit, a day comes when you become so fluent with your writing that you need only a few hours to complete your blog and finish it in no time.
4. Boosts your sleep

Since reading helps you distress, it plays a huge role in improving your overall sleep routine and continuous habit of reading can make you fall asleep in no time. Since, majority of the youth have sleep problems today, they can choose to read books on a daily basis for good books will give them all the answers and ultimately let them fall asleep for a enhanced productivity the next day.
5. Enhances your imagination

Everyone of us imagine some or the other thing. Before reading, our world of imagination is limited. But after we start reading, our world enlarges and we become even a more creative and enhanced imaginator. For eg say before reading you had a dream life but it was limited to only some things. But after reading, you may start thinking more better about your abilities, feel confidence in yourself, and believe that you can achieve more than you have ever imagine of yourself. Maybe now you dream of owning a car, having a house, sound amount of saved money, a business or a job to get a regular income from, sources of passive income, loved ones, care and support, family and friends. Seems perfect, right?
6. Is the best leisure time ever

Reading books helps you change your leisure time into a productive one and that too without being a hindrance in your fun, peace, entertainment, and relax time. You need to pick just one good book and then you can have fun, entertainment, you can relax, have peace, and be productive all at the same time.
7. Better Focus

To understand the book fully and in-depth, to absorb the concept the book is trying to teach you, you have to 100% concentrate on the words written on the book. And thus, when you are fully immersed in a book, you are able to outsmart external distractions, and concentrate on the material in front of you.
8. Exercise your brain

You all must have heard the phrase, “An idle mind prevails in the devil’s workshop.” When we don’t continuously use our brain, we start losing it. So, before it gets late to the time where you have to face difficulty using your brain, you must put your brain into regular practice. And one best way to do it is to read books regularly. Reading good books can regularly charge and refresh your mind and can keep it fit, healthy, and clean.
9. Improve your memory

When you make it a habit of reading books on a regular basis, you then have a lot of information in your head, and since you read every book with focus, every piece of information in the book gets stored in your mind almost for ever. Each information stored in your head make room for old ones to strengthen.
10. Helps you discover yourself

Whenever you pick up a good book to read, you get to learn something from a line, from a paragraph, from a page, or from the whole book. And each time you grow yourself, you change yourself for the better you, you develop character, you become more empathetic, you love kindness and love, and a day comes, when you learn it all, you learn life, you discover yourself.
To Sum It Up..
No doubt, reading good books has enormous advantages. People who read good books on a daily basis are not ordinary people. But, they are well-rounded individuals who can change the ordinary into the exceptional.
So, here I am wishing you all a very happy reading always.
Read daily. Read wisely. Read for fun. Read to write. Read to learn. Read to make a difference in the world!