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RE: Trump, the Coronavirus & Justin Sun ... a Rorschach Test

in #ocd5 years ago


My poor daughter ... she's back from university (shutdowns) and I'm once again making her read my posts before publishing. Her responses are invariably the same:

"Daddy, aren't you worried about pissing off people? One of these days, a Whale is going to put you on auto-downvote."

To be honest, I'm surprised it hasn't already happened.

Although, there is one shmuck who is auto-downvoting all my posts ... a $0.00 downvote with 10% of his/her voting power. Ten percent. It's one thing not to receive 100% of a person's upvote, it's quite another to receive but a fraction of their downvote. For God's sake, make an effort.

How can I claim to be an "oppressed poet" with such a tepid spanking as my only evidence of assertion?

Grrrr. :-)
