Issue #163 highlights content from nine (9) fantastic Steemit Content Creators in nine different languages! The OCD international team on its journey continues to search tirelessly throughout the multiple languages on Steemit for undervalued gems as provided by relatively new users.
Today our curators have delivered ten incredible pieces of original content to share with you! These works as provided by newer Steemit users don’t have the audience which their quality content deserves. @OCD strives to provide that audience and intends to showcase Steemit users who put in tremendous effort to create flourishing content.
A curator will FIND a piece of work in his language (typically from newer users), discuss with the other curators of that language and they will choose the one that will go into the compilation.
We encourage you to visit these blogs and to show these great Steemians your support and encouragement.

Kali ini Tim Kurator OCD Bahasa Indonesia @mariska.lubis dan @macchiata memilih sebuah tulisan dari @denysantika yang mengajak kita melihat sebuah kasus broken home dan efeknya terhadap anak. Di dalam tulisannya, penulis menyarakan apabila kita suka seseorang, kita harus bisa menghargai satu sama lain dan menjaga hubungan harmonis antar pasangan. Banyak pelajaran tentang cinta dan kehidupan yang bisa kita petik dari kisah yang satu ini. Selamat menikmati tulisa karya @denysantika.
Have you ever thought of the effect of broken home to children? Have you ever had a rough relationship that didn't end well? @denysantika shares a slice of story that didn't end so well and how it affected the children. Not to mention, the author also encourages people who are in love to be more compassionate and understanding towards each other. He also expects hat no more children witness and impacted by a broken relationship. As curated by @mariska.lubis and @macchiata.

Para aquellos que tienen la comida tatuada en el corazón, les compartimos un poco de conocimiento culinario. Esta clasificación esta basada en cocina francesa y aunque no estoy 100% de acuerdo con ella, me queda claro que prácticamente se encuentra escrita sobre piedra. Así que lean y aprendan un poco sobre salsas.
For those who have food tattooed on their hearts, we share a little bit of culinary knowledge. This classification is based on French cuisine and although I am not 100% agree with it, it is clear to me that it is practically written in stone. So read and learn a little about sauces.

Il 1°Maggio 1994 , durante il Gran Premio di F1 di San Marino (Imola), muore Ayrton Senna indimenticato campione dello sport. @moncia9 ripercorre il tragico evento nel suo post proposto per la selezione di oggi dal @ocd Team per la lingua italiana e curato da @sardrt .
On 1 May 1994, during the F1 Grand Prix of San Marino (Imola), Ayrton Senna dies an unforgettable sports champion. @moncia9 traces the tragic event in his post proposed for today's selection by @ocd Team for the Italian language and edited by @sardrt.

Klar - (fast) keiner freut sich, wenn große Teile des Einkommens as Steuer an den Staat gehen. Aber mit den Steuern wird ja nicht nur Schindluder getrieben, sondern auch durchaus Dinge finanziert die den Lebensstandard, den wir alle gerne genießen, finanzieren. Deshalb zahlt der deutsche User @hatoto gerne Steuer, wie er in diesem interessanten Post zeigt. Selbst wann man nicht überein stimmt - ein wichtiges Thema zu dem man gut diskutieren kann ist es auf jeden Fall.
Nobody really likes the fact that huge parts of our jobs earnings go away in the form if taxes. But of course those are not just wasted in corruption but also pay the expenses for many things that make our daily lifes as comfortable and save as they. That's why @hatoto 's latest post is why he likes to pay them. Even if you don't agree - This is definitely an important topic and interesting discussion.
Curated by @theaustrianguy

Amateur de récits et de littératures, cet article est fait pour vous ! La team francophone vous propose se petit moment de détente, teinté d'aventure, le tout réalisé par la plume de @voltagrou. Laissez vous donc transporter par cette histoire surréaliste!
Lover of stories and literature, this article is made for you! The French-speaking team proposes you this small moment of relaxation, tinged with adventure, the whole realized by the pen of @voltagrou. Let yourself be transported by this surrealist story!

Polska drużyna (@fervi, @lukmarcus i @Santarius) wybierają artykuł @arabson1990. Mówi się, że diamenty są przyjacielem kobiety. Ale z czego skladają się kamienie szlachetne? Jakie mają cechy? Jak wyglądają? Tego dowiecie się z artykułu arabson1990.
The Polish team (@fervi, @lukmarcus and @Santarius) choose the @arabson1990 article. It is said that diamonds are a friend of a woman. But what do precious stones consist of? What are the features? How do they look? This you will learn from arabson1990 article.

@rurimhaさんは、数秘術に関する記事を書いてくれました。5月の1ヶ月間を生活するなかで心掛けると良いことを知ることが出来ます。この記事を読んで、これからの1ヶ月間をより良いものにしてみませんか? Curated by 日本語OCDチーム @djynn、@fukako and @yasu24
@rurimha wrote an article on numerology. You can find out what to keep in mind during this May. Why not read this article to make this May the better month. Curated by japanese OCD team @djynn、@fukako and @yasu24

今日OCD中文區小隊 - @htliao 和 @Travelgirl 想為大家介紹 @chineseman。@chineseman出身在中国扬州,离开过,现在又重新回到了这个地方,职业生涯比较坎坷,大学期间做过厨师,因为家人的反对,大学毕业后在一家证券公司从事金融工作,在实现了基本的财务自由之后,当了一名逃兵,回到自己的家乡,做着一份轻松的工作,收入一般,很多人觉得他不思进取,是一名失败者,不过他很喜欢现在的工作,资本投资成了我的兴趣,美食成了我的爱好,我觉得很幸福,想跟大家分享一些中华名间小吃,因为他是个吃货!
Chinese OCD team @htliao and @Travelgirl would like to introduce @chineseman. He was born in Yangzhou, China. He left and now he returned to this place. His career has been awkward. He has worked as a chef during the university. Because of his family's opposition, he worked in a securities company after graduating from college to pursue financial work. After financial freedom, he became a deserter and returned to his hometown. His work is easy and his income is not high. Many people think that he is not an enterprising person or a loser, but he really likes his current life. Investment has become a benefit. Food has become a hobby. He is very happy to share some Chinese snacks with everyone because he is a food lover!

한국어로된 양질의 스팀잇 컨텐츠를 소개하는 @ocd 큐레이터 @steemitjp, @solnamu 입니다. 오늘은 크립토아트 챌린지에 참가한 @olia1 님의 그림을 소개합니다. 올리아님은 따뜻한 감성의 그림을 그리는 일러스트레이터입니다. 평소에도 카페, 꽃, 소녀 등등 아기자기하고 예쁜 그림들을 꾸준히 그려오셨어요. 이번에 크립토아트 챌린지에 참가한 그림은 눈 결정 모습에서 모티브를 받아서 그리셨다고 하네요. @olia1님의 아름다운 그림들을 만나보세요!
Today we introduce @olia1 who participated in the CryptoArt Challenge. @olia1 is an illustrator who draws warm emotions. @olia1 draws cute and beautiful paintings like cafes, flowers, girls and so on. This time, @olia1 participate in the CryptoArt Challenge and draws from the motif from the snow crystal shape. Let's meet @olia1's beautiful pictures! Curated by Korean OCD Curator @steemitjp and @solnamu. Follow and Support @ocd.
Crypto Art Challenge [Cardano Edition]- 크립토 아트 챌린지 '카르다노'[스팀잇 실험실] 저는 마크다운 여기까지 해보고 있습니다.

Hopefully, you were able to take away something different, fresh, and new from the pieces as provided by the @ocd curators.
The OCD team would also like to thank those that strive to make a difference. As anyone can create a posting but only some can create/build value.
Be sure to check for tomorrow’s edition of OCD international Daily!
Keep up the good work creating original content
You never know when @ocd may be around :)
This compilation was brougth to you by @theaustrianguy
Know that your Resteem supports undervalued authors!
OCD Now Has a Steem Witness...

SteemConnect or on Steemit Witnesses to help support other undervalued authors!You can vote for @ocd-witness, with
Use the 'ocd-resteem' tag on quality, original content for a chance to be selected.
Read more about it here.

I am very happy and proud to be mentioned here!Wow. That nomination is amazing! Thank you all and especially thanks to @theaustrianguy :D
I'm so glad when I see a Venezuelan here, thanks for your support. Your community is amazing.
Muchas gracias por el apoyo! Saludos desde Venezuela, felíz Steem!