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RE: Understsnding the covid-19 test results.

in #ocd3 years ago

They’re actually not a fraud.

I had covid and nearly died.

I was tested and it came up positive. A few days later I was near death. They didn’t give me anything. I already had it and I could feel it was something different coming so I went in for the test.

I was skeptical like you before I had it, but not to the psychotic end you’ve chosen to trip out in. I suggest you try Prozac. You seem obsessed with attempting to force others to think like you.

That’s pretty gay there bro.


There is no virus organism called sars cov 2 that has ever been quantified or proven to have existed in reality.

Just because you were sick does not mean it was caused by a highly contagious and deadly virus organism. There is cash incentives for doctors and hospitals to diagnose people with having covid-19 this is to create a false narrative and cover up what is really making people sick. Which I explained in other posts that you have likely down voted.

Most often the cause of sickness is a reaction to a toxic substance which includes "corona discharge"...

The link between toxicity and sickness has been measured and for the most part proven, however everyone responds slightly differently to the toxic load. People also have very similar symptoms and responses to their environment so it looks like people are sharing, spreading their sickness but it's just human body function to a specific environment chemical, physical, mental etc.

For example if you put 5 unique individuals in a toxic environment do you think all 5 will respond the same exact way?

Some might show similar symptoms others might show nothing and after a few weeks or months maybe one dies but 4 live, different and similar outcomes this is basic "survival of the fittest" knowledge.

This is how pharmaceutical drug companies skew data and also promote drugs that have known risks but ignore them because only a few died in the studies instead of 100% so it means it worked in some. Even if after 10 years being approved they recall the drug because actually it was known to cause death but only when up to this many people took it and died it became an issue. And actually if they would have studied the long term effects before it got approved they wouldn't have approved it however they will claim but it saved lives so it's ok and good..

There is 0 evidence that sickness has ever come from a virus organism jumping from animals to humans and becoming contagious organisms in human populations.

There is 0 evidence of virus organisms destroying human bodies from the inside out by growing inside cells and exploding out of them. That theory is a completely moronic fairytale and has been disproven many years ago.

The virus organism theory has always been a scam to control and convince people to do something they would not normally do or that is not in their best interests.

Contagious virus organism theory has been proven to have no basis in reality and is completely made up nonsense to scare people into injecting themselves with toxic BioWeapons, stop certain people from traveling or taking part in certain aspects of society unless they conform to some sadistic public order guidelines!

May I see your medical license?

Also, please cite your sources. They must be reputable.

This is the part of English and Writing classes where you heard the word bibliography.

My sources come from my research over my entire existence.

My words come from my gained knowledge and you can choose to absorb my information or ignore it.

If you want to continue having a discussion and dialog that's fine but telling me to cite my sources is not very intuitive nor is it even engaging.

So you admit to presenting biased and unproven rhetoric?

I admit to communicating with you as a human being, do you carry scientific journals with you everywhere you go?

Do you not gain knowledge by communicating with individuals on your daily journeys?

You can discern information and ideas in all situations of life; anyone who has a brain can do this; it is called learning and engaging with the knowledge one is discerning at any given moment in time.

Do you own an electron microscope?

but YOU are in HIS CHAT... weirdo.

How many of the VAX have you taken? All 6?

Quite to the contrary. He is in hive and there is NO expectation of privacy. The blockchain is public and all transactions are open for anyone to see.

On a second note, you seem to believe that if someone questions you that you should be able to have them removed. That sounds like the same type of tyranny you claim you are under when people suggest you take a vaccine that you have opted not to receive.

You claim to be censored while trying to bully someone into submitting to censorship.

Nothing either of you does makes sense.

Look pal... It's a free world but fuck your face.
I hate what your write because for some reason I think you're writing to be a FUCK FACE!

Get it?

Gotcha right in the feelz didn't I

This raises an interesting dilemma for you...if one of the people that is directly responsible for Hillary Clinton losing the election in 2016 is telling you you're retarded, are you in fact a retard and does your mother know you got out of your cage?

I bet I was your alt-right hero until I said some stuff you didn't want to hear huh

Imagine my shock that I'm not at all what you imagined me to be. :-)