So yeah.....I have been absent..Here is why

in #ocd5 years ago

Well this is my first post on HIVE and honestly I am all trying to figure this all out. Maybe that will be something for another post somewhere soon. But yeah, I have been absent, that is true. There was hardly any response from me, and I haven't hardly even touched my computer in general for the last month. The reason of all reasons...COVID-19 this is the reason for everything happening these days.


Yeah that's me from my normal working days, without this crap. So normally I am a scrubnurse in surgery but these days I am lended out to the ICU for supporting tasks in their normal days. In normal days we have 24 ICU beds, in COVID days we have the 29 COVID ICU beds, and about 10 'normal' sick ICU patients. (people who had emergency surgery, had an accident, or whatever else that will get you in the ICU except for COVID)

Now I will not be writing about how we should all stay inside and social distance, we know that drill already. I also will not be writing about if it is scary or rough to work on an infectious disease department, because we can all read the stories of other who have already written that a lot better.

The bottom line sucks. Not in a way when I am working. I am used to working in a lot of weird measures, when we treat other patients with say as an example MRSA, VRE or TBC we are also wrapped in like burritos. So a day goes by as a normal day, except for that all I work with are COVID patients. It bugs me when I am at home. It bugs me when I think that when I break a sweat that I immediately stick a thermometer in my mouth, which would normally not be the deal (I didnt even own a thermometer). It bugs me that I have colleagues who are admitted with the same disease and who I work with (no social distancing when you treat patients on ICU kids), and it bugs me that I know that my loved ones are worried for me.

But what I also notice is how mentally consuming that this is. I mean this in a way that I can read newspapers and not remember anything I read. I make jigsaw puzzels in my free time to clear the head, and I like it hahahaha. I cook like a master chef these days, because food is the fun that these days give. And there is where the difference is when looking at others....

I just got a message from the most lovely @hashcash about how life is. And reality is...apart from that I work in a weird department, Hollands 'intelligent' lockdown is not really bad. If you compare the situation here to say India, South Africa or a random island in the Caribbean, everybody who complanes in Holland should really take a quick check in the mirror (or start blogging...who knows what it will bring)

And there it is indeed. My first post on HIVE, and on Steem as well.... Because that is the whole part that kind of flew right by me when all of this madness started (it started a lot earlier in my working spot that it did compared for the most around me). I missed how the whole situation is now. And reality is, and let me say this very silent it is not important...pssssssssst

Because yes...I know this is a lot of peoples livelyhood and work. And yes, I know and believe blockchains still will change te world. But when you are working on a infectious disease department carrying bodies away everyday, it does kind of feel irrelevant. But hey...I am writing and reading this uhhhhh.. I still care. But I miss info and a lot of it and the will to search it is not really there at the moment. That's a matter of time I guess and hope.


Some little birdy whispered that the halving of a major big coin is coming up ;). At the same time government are making the most epic capital debts in the history of time and printing more money like there is no tomorrow. Will this be the grande breakthough around crypto? Let's see how this works and in the mean time....stay the f&ck safe!!


Congrats on your first Hive post 🎶🌸🥂 it sure will be interesting to see how this all plays out. One day at a time. Thanks for your post! Love & Blessings @karinxxl ❤🙏

One day at a time indeed! Baby steps for all of us, and make the best of it.....and yeah, maybe more time to dig in how hive playes out and where to go to! be safe yall there wherever you are!

Sounds intense, I can't even imagine.

Also sounds lame to ask you to be safe and so I'm going to say good luck, you are a star.

Yeah thats the thing....Its doing what I normally do, just the stage is different.

Id just wish it wasnt so mentally consuming, we need more distraction! I might just read into where to be on hive there after all, like....a hiveauto, milestones behind!

I could show you my boobies? - sorta works as hiveworld Should have your settings from steemauto replicated



(awesome this is the stuff that I was looking for...gracias!)

oh my God, it seems scary but all we can do is being positive all the time and won't the virus hinder us from moving. We need to move all the time so that we can beat this fucking virus.

take care always and I adore your hardwork.

Thx for the credits dude! Yeah I really dont know what is the right way to battle this stuff worldwide, no one really we just do in what we know....damage control!!

take care there as well!!

This must be such a hectic time for you and your profession. All of our thoughts are with the doctors and nurses on the frontline, y’all don’t get enough credit for what your all having to deal with.. Stay safe K,

hey T! Long time no hear, I hope all is well with ya the in the big ol' South!

Its a different ballgame atm, with just one star of the team called covid, and I dont like em! Gott get back the power!

wow, be safe!

Super thx!! Trying the best we can! Same for you there, be all good!

You are a ⭐️. Good luck 🍀.

Thx girlie! Hoffentlich ist alles gut da in 'unsere' Region bei euch, und ist alles wieder schnell so wie normal! Fingers crossed!

I got to say this Karin.... that picture is a work of art... LOL! Don't get me wrong..... it really is. I mean if I was skirting this close to ICU full of COVID patients, I'll be an artist too. I have heard that when ancient people went on to become warriors in a battlefield, they'll develop talents like poetry and such ....

Stay safe and a lots of my mental energy focused in your direction for your safety from the virus...... See! This lock-down has turned me into Charles Xavier!

hahahahha that picture took me 5 edits to get it so dark to not see how pale my face was hahahaha. Maybe next time you will see maaaad photoshop skills all of a sudden if this continues longer :D

Send demmmm energy!!

OMG you have nerves of steel. Thank you

Just doing what we do! Its normal but its not so normal hahaha... Be safe girlie!

Glad you are back and safe and woah, I didn’t realize you’d be working up close and personal with this thing.

I was wondering where you were. Hope this calms down so you can be bored again and come hang out more.

Yeah man, it was also not my idea of working this close, but its all hands on deck these days, starting to return to a little bit calmer luckily!

How is the japan satus?

Stay safe and thank you for the work you do

Thanks you so much, and same for you! Take it easy and stay safe!

You are a hero.

Just being normal!! ;)
Stay safe!