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RE: Understsnding the covid-19 test results.

in #ocd3 years ago


I am skeptical of the latest RNA based vaccines despite getting both Moderna shots,

I was going to FOLLOW but looks like I won't have to.

Kind regards...

I'm going to re-HIVE this post for all the GASLIGHTING in the comments.

And you should look for less Triggering content, IMHO.


You should try following people you don't always agree with. Keeps you out of echo chambers 😉. People with differing viewpoints also gives me inspiration on doing my own research and addressing them in my own articles. Just suggesting to the OP to provide links to sources, especially when a bunch of words are stringed together like

genetically engineered self assembling ionized cationic graphene oxide hydrogel nanoparticles

Just a quick glance on the interwebs, no pocket journals required, produced an article where these are mention, specifically for heart regeneration and repair.


yea, well, I think You're a BOT on this net so your ProofOfBrain captha exercise would be to mute this channel. At no point are you allowed to let YOUR confusion muscle in on a person's free speech in their house... your comment above will suffice as evidence of tresspass;

I am skeptical of the latest RNA based vaccines despite getting both Moderna shots, but not posting any sources does not help you or the "truther" community in any way. Makes you appear to be a Flat-Earther. If you don't have any credible sources you might want to reexamine yo...

blah, blah, blah... (an obvious baiting script run on machine learning since the late 80's.

A BOT will drum up some new Malarki here in this comment thread... A thread that belongs to @shanhenry (seriously, look for yourself at the http address above that includes HIS name on this article, not yours). THE SOURCE of this article is NOT required to clear up YOUR confusion.

NOW, if you be a person, simply mute and moo on...