The alarm clock goes off as Jim jumps up and rushes to the restroom. His prostate has been enlarged for a few years now and he always has to rush first thing in the morning. Once he stepped through the restroom door he hit the water on the floor and busted his ass. He let out a loud yelp and began to curse his wife under his breath.

Instantly, Jim felt very sad. Jackie had been in an accident and passed away over two months ago. It was so quickly that Jim had gotten angry as he forgot Jackie had passed. He was angry at her before he realized he was truly mad at himself. How could he forget Jackie was dead? How could he blame a dead woman that he thought about daily and deeply mourned?

As Jim finished up in the restroom he walked past Jackie's hobby room which he has been unable to pack up and donate to the woman's rotary club as Jackie had always requested. Frustration hits Jim like a ton of bricks. He slumps against the wall and begins to apologize to Jackie again as he has done daily for the past two months. Suddenly Jim can't help but laugh as he remembers one of the many mornings he and Jackie had shared over the last 50 years.
Sewing Machine Source

Today is the day Jim thought. It's time to call Jack, his oldest son to help him pack up Jackie's hobby room.
As Jack packed the last box into the back of his pickup truck Jim says, thank you son I can feel your mother smiling now.
Jim feels close to Jackie now and retires to bed for the night. Jack finds him three days later. He had passed peacefully in his sleep that night.