Happy birthday bro.....

in #ocd4 years ago


Hello hiveians

We know Aristotle whose writings covered subjects in metaphysics, poetry, physics, logic, music, theater, rhetoric, government, politics, biology, ethics and zoology. We also know Leonardo da Vinci who made contributions to many other fields: urban planning, mathematics, botany, astronomy, invention, history, sculpting and cartography.

However, the person I am about to describe is a beatific piece of wonderment. He is highly skilled and vast in dimension. His skills base encompasses presentation, communication, photography, editing, singing, complex problem-solving, creativity, critical thinking, people management, judgment and decision-making, cognitive flexibility and lots more.

He is very intelligent. The domain of his intelligence covers musical, existential, interpersonal, bodily-kinesthetic, linguistic, intra-personal, and spatial intelligence. Simply put, he is sound smart, life smart, people smart, body smart, word smart, self smart and picture smart. These, are in addition to his cultural intelligence and his emotional intelligence.

His leadership style is a rich blend of Ethical Leadership, Democratic Leadership, Strategic Leadership, Transformational Leadership, Team Leadership, Cross-Cultural Leadership, Transactional Leadership, Coaching Leadership and Visionary Leadership. He engages everyone with strategic charisma.

His complexion is a gentle reminder of Michael Jordan, considered the greatest basketball player of all time; Usain Bolt, an iconic figure in athletics; Carl Lewis, nine-time Olympic gold medalist who won gold over three Olympics and was the great star of 1980s track and field; Martins Luther, a pivotal figure in the non-violent civil rights movement; Frederick Douglass, a leading figure in the anti-slavery movement; Toussaint Louverture, a leader of Haitian slave revolt; and Booker T. Washington, an adviser to the presidents of Roosevelt and Taft.

His eyes seem to tell about a quote by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, " The heights by great men reached and kept were not attained by sudden flight, but they, while their companions slept, were toiling upward in the night." Looks like a pastor's who has been involved in "dry fast", "wet fast", or other imaginative names that makes fasting sound like dry-cleaning. Those kind of pastors are powerful!

His nickname is a corroborative corroborant of the 8th verse of the 32nd chapter of Jobian scriptures that talks about a vital force in man, the INSPIRATION of the Almighty, that gives men understanding. Like the mitochondrial Eve in the book of Genesis, his life is embedded with many inspirational capacity.

May you never stop being amazing!