Immense Revelations

in #ocd4 months ago

It's crazy how much things have changed for me in my life in the last... 9 months or so.

It can also be kind of difficult to say exactly when these new adventures began because there were so many different things that all added up to make it possible, but... One of those key days was actually on Valentine's Day last year when I found one of the first really fascinating things.

I also ended up having this really crazy synchronicity which I'll talk about in the future on that day in relation to Valentine's Day and it kinda almost feels like that was a love letter from the Universe for me in some ways. :) And, not just me... But, everyone who will appreciate and benefit from these adventures.

I've also continued to have a lot of really amazing synchronicities...
For example, I often pull a tarot card before a big adventure day and a few times ago I pulled the "Magician" card for the first time and then right at the end of the day when I was done I looked in the distance and saw a mountain which I nicknamed after the "Magician".

Then, this previous adventure the other day I'd been thinking about mountain lions a lot and got a gun and a knife to bring with me and I pulled a card before going out and... It was the number "8" which is one of my lucky numbers and the word was "strength" and there was a picture of a lion on it!!!!

In the picture there was a woman who appeared to be playing with the lion and not fighting it, so... It made me feel a lot more positive about the mission and... I did research and found that mountain lion attacks are more rare than getting struck by lightning so I wasn't nearly as worried!

The area I went was too dangerous for ricochets and I don't have safety glasses yet, so... I just went in with a long rambo knife which I read is one of the best tools for defense against mountain lions because most people get ambushed and snuck up on and never even know what happened let alone have time to get their gun ready unless it's already in their hand with the safety off.

I did see some mountain lion poop and got a lil spooked, but I maintained my composure and stayed pretty calm and got back home safe!

I learned some more really intriguing things and... I dunno what it all means, though... This adventure is a lot of fun whether any of it even means anything or not. :)

That's the big takeaway from all this... Even if it ends up not being a big deal and people don't care very much, at least I had a ton of fun! And my dad also had a ton of fun! And we got to share a lot of good memories. <3

My mom is also part of it! Though, she isn't as excited about it and my brothers and sister have come along with me as well on a few quests,so... It's really cool to be able to find something I love doing so much and to be able to share it with my family! And, one friend... But, he's been super busy and haven't seen him much.

Anywho... There's a lot more to say, yet I've already said more than most people will read so I'm going to end it here and send my love and hope you're all doing as good as possible. :) <3

PS... One thing I've been doing is looking behind myself a lot more often now to check for mountain lions and I feel like it's a really good habit! I mentioned before I had a guy sneak up on me once... So, I'm learning to be much more aware of my environment and to be even more careful and safe!
