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RE: The horrendous failure of curating Quality Content

in #ocd2 years ago

Holy shit man, so good to hear from you! If memory doesn't fail me, we met in Lisbon (or was it Krakow?) with Bitrocker and you were part of coingecko? Or damn, am I getting confused here...

The come for the rewards, stay for the community motto was good at one point, but I think that we should (and I think we are) move away from that. People should come for the dapps, stay for the community, and appreciate the cherry on top that rewards represent.

Yes, it's nice to get rewards, but those shouldn't be the main driver of our users, because that's why we've had a 95% (or maybe more? I'm pulling this numbers off my ass) of users leave Hive eventually, because the rewards are not what they expected.

I am glad you are back fren, and I do hope that I remember how we met correctly.


Yup, we met in Krakow with @bitrocker2020, @joannewong, and @elizacheng (the TeamMalaysia gang) haha, it was during SF3. Wish I was part of CoinGecko, but nah, not quite yet, just daydreaming. 😂

I'm with you on this one, mate:

Folks should be drawn by the dapps, but it's the community that makes them stick around.

You're spot on! HIVE could really do with a little clean up. They need to spruce up the way they present their dApps, and sweep the non-working ones or the dead projects under the rug. I was a bit baffled trying to find my way around when I first came back, took me a while!

But it's so great to be back, reconnecting with all the old pals and making new ones. It's all good fun!