What does the word Tomoporo sound like? There are famous places that we have all seen at least on the Internet, but what about the strangers? As much as asking and many ideas come to mind, let's keep reading to find out.

All pictures are from my authorship.
What is Tomoporo?
We speak of a place of humid climate in the eastern region of Lake Maracaibo in Venezuela, a small town that does not exceed 1000 inhabitants is surrounded by some of the most fertile lands of the entire American continent, it is in these surroundings where it occurs my story, an endless number of moments that tied my family to an incredible destiny.
This strange region in which you can see a banana crop and in the center of this, an oil drill extracting the precious fuel, the reason for this is that much of the soil here was formed in ancient eras by sediments (rich in nutrients) from the Motatan River, one of the most important in the country, if we add the fact of the giant oil fields and a humid climate, the thing starts to make sense.
Fertile soils to sow and extract minerals, all this will make you think that the people there should be very happy and rich, right?... well, history could not be more different from that, it is a poor and marginalized area in which oil companies take everything at will and people know they do not care, which causes disinterest and moral corruption at all levels.

But not everything ends in bad times, a land that promises is the real goal of this, among these forests I grew up with my parents and grandparents, learning from small about climate, agriculture, animal husbandry, gardens, economy and a lot of things that support the basic principles of what my parents still call home.
The Inmaculada is part of the project.
If I tell you that I was raised on a farm ("Inmaculada") that today generates employment and feeds many, what would you say? I promise you that I do it without encouragement to believe me big or brag what I have, on the contrary, a piece of land worked by a humble family seems an excellent experience to tell.
More than profits to sustain us, it is important to see the wide panorama that surrounds us. Do you know how many people can be fed with a hectare of bananas? depending on the productivity you could feed hundreds of persons. Let's just stop for a second to say that we live in a crisis in which people die from starvation, the responsibility to produce food is even greater than it seems.

All these have been stages of the same development that has been carried out by my parents since I have use of reason, they have made me understand that agriculture is a noble task and that many times it is underestimated. The Immaculate is the name of the family treasury and it is the basis for what we want to build.
The story of why we do this is so long that it would take days to tell, but in a nutshell, a mixture of need, the desire to do good and the love of decent work come together in the personalities of my family members to propel us to follow for a better future. Sometimes my dad talks about legacy, my mom thinks about the good of all and my sister and I love them as they are and we support them in their humble search for success.
We have lived through difficult times, floods, droughts, diseases in plants and animals but after the discouragement and the bitter drink, the smiles are reborn in a new day of work. I introduced my parents to Steemit in order to help and follow that project, to show others what we do and I know we will receive support to continue, every grain of sand is not only for my family, there are many lives that change thanks to the mission social that we have.

Regretting it a lot, every year that passes is more difficult to work in Venezuela, but with the help of some gains in Steemit, we have managed to return to the ring, step by step but it is possible. It is not my habit to ask for help from others in these cases, but I know that together, we can do more ... This project we do and we show to teach and learn, to tell the world, yes you can! With effort and hope, you can.
In the countryside, we learn.
Teaching everyone to work is the highest priority, knowledge and creativity are essential for progress, many people living in the countryside do not believe in their own potential, and my parents through example have achieved more than that. The path that individuals take after receiving the knowledge depends a lot on an environment that is crooked today, but the attempt is valid; with a life that we improve, with a smile created, a child that learns, we are doing the right thing.
Thank you very much for your time and I hope you liked it! If so, please remember to comment, vote and follow me for more material like this @josevbc.Learning we teach and we go far, As my father says "if it's not funny, do not do it".
yeap! it is true!