The Omniverse is naught but a Mental Projection Held within the Mind of The Infinite ALL - a spiritual Phantasmorgoria or movie, that is real in experience, yet ultimately unreal in reality; for Only the essense of life IS.

in #occult7 years ago


The Kybalion, a book written by three initiates of the Occult, three Neophytes, states;

“The All is infinite living Mind; The Illumined call it spirit”.

Spirit, the Holy ghost, the force which makes up particles and worlds and universes and omniverses, is ALL that ultimately exists…as existence is the result of spirit.
All that exists, is spirit.

That which does not exist, is the void which spirit hath penetrated upon The Creation of the Omniverse.

That which makes up all life, is the force beyond all proclamated forces; it is the force which makes up all forces. The force which all forces ultimately are….it is the force that is.

This life force - be it called Spirit or Brahman or prana energy, is a ubiquitous life force which has manifested itself into all that is: It is THE ALL which hath manifested all that is.

This force, creation-consciousness, is the fundamental source of all life; it is that, from which all life stems; it is that which propagates life.
The seed of life, the flower of life.

The life-source of all life, is eternally present within all life; This source of life IS LIFE; and life itself propagates life through creation.

All life stems from the same, ubiquitous life source which beeth itself life.

Every particle is a form which houses formless, ubiquitous energy, which is ISNESS, which hath manifested itself into existence, at the time of the creation, and simultaneously manifested itself into forward creation.

This life force, which is the formless energy that all life consists of, is what the universe is made of.

Every particle..

The Most High aspect of God-Head, Paramatman, is that which we must most accurately attribute to The Most High, Ultimate other words, that which is ultimately REAL.

The force of God is held ubiquitously present within each particle of existence.

…. the Multi,dimensional, expanding Omniverse, a creation of the creator, in regard to matter, in regard to form, is only a fleeting Phantasmagoria - An ever changing play that is - and ultimately IS NOT - real.

The Animated universe is the physical universe; the ultimately unreal that is the ultimately real at play; The Ultimate playing at the relative.


If the Omniverse is just a projection of the Mind Of The All, if the world of physical form is the formless energy of The ALL manifested, then the individual existence of “singular” beings, the world of form, is ultimately unreal.

Thus, then, as the Kybalion states, “......While the universe IS, so too is it NOT.”

That is to say, That which HATH MANIFESTED the Omniverse is the only reality - ultimate Reality - playing at being relative…..playing at being singular.

….Brahman, and Atman, then, are the result of Paramatman, and ultimately are Paramatman.

Singular, separate reality, then, is ultimately illusion; Maya.

Thus, all that exists as form, is the formless creation energy of God manifested into form.
All that is is THE ALL made God is all that is.

Thus, all perception is God’s perception, all Hearing is God’s hearing, and each point of attention is God’s point of attention.

While in Reality, God’s (Paramatman)s natural state is Samadhi, or Bhagavan; God while in dream state manifests itself into being; into creation…

God manifests itself into a single point of attention (an entity) for the purpose of carrying out this divine play.

Thus, each point of attention in this play IS God and has the ability to self-realize and awaken from this dream; to attain Moksha, our highest Dharma, and become one with THE ALL.

Paramatman (Bhragavan) hath birthed itself into Atman, through the heart Chakra of Man (anahata).
Thus, while all things are God, Bhragavan shines most through the humanoid form.

Thus , Humans ourselves are not only of GOD but are god's, with the ability to co-create with our creator, and create a masterpiece.

An ever-proceeding painting, stretching beyond sight.
A movie; a Phantasmagoria; A drama.

A mental projection of the Mind of the All.


edit; Hindu Godhead trnity = Brahman, Paramatma, Bhragavan ; Paramatman is another word for the most high, while bhragavan is the personality or state of the Most high in its most high aspect.

All is in the All and The All is in all. Thank you

That title... quite the mouthful haha

Too much so, haha. Did I make it understandable? Did you inner, under, or overstand what I was talking about? or could I have described what I was describing better?

Thank you for enlightening. Very surprised to read it.

This was mind blowing for me, thanks for posting this. The question remains, as pieces of God, how do we act?

@sixsevenkevin ...As 'pieces' of God, we were endowed with Free will....but since we ARE of the sonship of the creator (we are the creation of the creator; an expansion of itself) , we should hence ACT like the creator ; we should act like the most high.
That is to say, we should continuously ascend and seek to vibrate on an ever - higher frequency - we should seek to become closer to the most high by becoming more like the most high - by embodying the highest qualities known to Man.

The title caught my eye and gave you a new follower :)