After the Chainsaw Man massacre in the last chapter, the manga returns this week, more and more entering its final stage, or so it seems. This chapter shows us once again how intelligent, powerful and strategical Makima can be, although there are certain things that I still don't understand, but what we can see is that this wonderful manga, which has broken the known paradigms of Shonen Jump, is possibly coming to an end and it will not be a happy or sad ending, I think it will be the combination of these two feelings.
And without further ado, the review of this week's chapter:
Chainsaw Man 89 "Go Get 'Em, Chainsaw Man", begins by showing us Kobeni, who is still dancing from past chapters. Kobeni's character is quite funny, because besides being the character with the most bad luck, but also the character with the best luck of all, since she is possibly the only character that is not going to die in the manga, besides that she is an excellent dancer, making a perfect score in the dance game, but well, that is another story. When Kobeni finished dancing, she realized that on one side of the street was the Chainsaw Man sitting in a somewhat deplorable state, she asks the Chainsaw Man "Why is he dancing?", however, at that very moment Makima appears, who logically had not died, and she says that along with the last "death", it is already 26 times that she (Makima) has died. He also asks the Chainsaw Man a very interesting question, "Why didn't he eat her?".

Then we see Makima using their powers by controlling through chains that come out of their... vagina, perhaps? A group of characters and also taking the body that the Chainsaw Man had previously killed. Kobeni says that she has nothing to do with what is happening, but Makima says that she does, because because Kobeni is losing his fear of the Chainsaw Man he is losing his strength, and clearly that can be seen in the next vignette where we see a weak looking and bleeding Chainsaw Man.

After this we are shown the news of the city and it is that the inhabitants of the city are celebrating the Chainsaw Man for his previous heroic acts, he has saved many lives throughout this time and also has "defeated" the Gun Devil, so the crowd now, instead of fearing him admires him, creating a group of fans around the city.

Such a situation makes the Chainsaw Man lose strength, since he feeds on fear and if people admire him he will no longer be able to feed on that fear, so in a sense "he is devouring himself".

However, before processing what is happening well, Makima uses Angel and invokes what is possibly his most powerful weapon, which he invokes using the bodies he controls with his chains. From this weapon he invokes a spear which is directed towards Kobeni, however, the Chainsaw Man places his body in defense of his former partner, receiving all the impact of Makima's attack, which before a look of disappointment from the antagonist, we see the Chainsaw Man totally defeated on the ground, and at the same time we see a group of people with masks (even making references to movies like "Friday the 13th" and "
The Texas Chain Saw Massacre") celebrating and admiring the acts of the Chainsaw Man.

A quite shocking chapter, we see a totally defeated Chainsaw Man, but also a disappointed Makima, I think what can happen in the next chapter is that those people who admire the Chainsaw Man give them their own blood so that he again has the strength to fight Makima, although this manga is always unpredictable, and possibly something totally unexpected will happen.