Sulfate Reducing Microbes
Plastid Apicoplast Malaria
Anaerobic Respiration
Plasmid Mycoplasma Vectors
Gain of Function with exotic forms of Malaria & Mycoplasma Vectors
Corallicolid Plastid combining Mycoplasma Fermentans Plasmid into Incognitus form of Pathogen
Ancient parasitic plant cells of Malaria Plastids mimic & convert healthy biological functions into toxic chemicals within mammal cells, similar to pesticide Glyphosate
Malaria Plastid a Sulfate Reducing Microbes via Anaerobic Respiration, converting healthy Heparan Sulfate from lungs & brain into Amyloid Plaque & complex forms of disease
Quinine works on the most common malaria, the first phase of infection reactions, but not the more exotic & dormant ones, at the complex levels it almost appears to wrap around the wires of DNA, its hard to explain chronic malaria.
Quinine killes the Protist but not the Plastid, its not easy to explain.
if this MSM, C & Quercetin starts giving me energy, got a theory building up, about this Plastid, Purple Earth Hypothesis, how Sulfur was the atmosphere, why Plastid is stealing the Sulfur, converting it into its toxic form, builds a Nitrogen Chitin-like biofilm, and appears MSM (has an Oxygen) also needs the Quercetin Polyphenol Carbon with a Citric or Vitamin C Oxygen to break it all down.
Plastid an old critter, also suspect it has this unusual attribute or a Brain without a Brain, the way it has memory & binds to DNA.
these are leaning towards Protist &/or Fungus..
Slime Mold
Sea Sponge
Physarum Polycephalum
but how do they transfer memory & neurons receptors?
i suspect its the an ancient Malaria that coexists within them, that has this unusual Brain without a Brain attribute.
might as well add Candida to the list, it behaves like a amoeba sea creature, moving around the body.
Secret life of Plants seems to prove the almost psychic powers of plants, they have the ability to communicate almost instantly.
that the general idea regarding Plastid cell.
not fungus, not insects, plants & animals.
Cellular origin of the viral capsid-like bacterial microcompartments
Oxidative Stress and Pathogenesis in Malaria
There Is Treasure Everywhere: Reductive Plastid Evolution in Apicomplexa in Light of Their Close Relatives
Four core metabolic pathways are retained in the apicoplast: heme synthesis, iron–sulfur cluster synthesis, isoprenoid synthesis, and fatty acid synthesis.
Last Universal Common Ancestor
plants are telepathic, suspecting so is the Apicoplast.
so it may be possible to communicate with the Apicoplast to protect, instead of make sick?
Apicoplast being an ancient plant cell, possibly having telepathic properties, just makes me wonder about plant based cybernetics using just that cell alone, healing properties like xman, instead of malaria.
thats kind of my guess, what might be going on, regarding bizarre genetic diseases & other uncureable disease, i think we are fighting something that can be almost programed by evolution, and should not be swapping around with other animals.
i think whats rattling around in my head is, viruses & prions are from this LUCA Nanobe, that can appear as Apicoplast, and its nearly indestructible, so must be trained to behave nicely, possibly by giving it what it wants, more Sulfur.
The Domain System
The Tree of Life consists of three domains, Archaea, Bacteria, and Eukarya.
Exclusion of Viruses and Prions
Non-Cellular Life
Virus and Prion
The Three-Domain System includes no form of non-cellular life.
Prionobiota (acellular and without nucleic acid)
Virusobiota (acellular but with nucleic acid)