Everything in your info is really interesting ... I´m against of the governments´ rules..... The most important part is ººººhumans´rightººº but how can I help you with this important message you are trying to show to the world, I´m from Mexico ...!!! If exist anything I can do, please let me know @shepz1
You just joined in by commenting and being willing to be aware and willing to listen. :-)
The website will be up soon I hope, so then everyone can join that wants to join, with a safe space to talk about ideas too.
Thank you for your interest and kind words.
Thanks a lot @shepz1 if you want to help people with health problems especially in chemotherapy problems, I know this is really difficult to be better, but I want to let you know that I bought a Canadian franchise, this company is helping too many people with health problems,
But this is also a business and people who are interested in this product to get a better life need to buy it, So, it has an extraordinay results....
So, I don´t want to mention the product here, because I respect people´ health . But if you are interested in help a lot of people this is the only form I can help for now.
Just send me an email to edgar.ear84@gmail.com and I can share with you the link and the complete information in English, French and Spanish....
Have a great day...!!!
Thanks my friend, I shall drop you an email later tonight.