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RE: Diets: #3 Intermittent Fasting

in #nutrition6 years ago

Seems like it really works for you! It's not restrictive, but rather fits to your day-to-day life. I've always been the kind of person who needs breakfast in order to start the day properly, so intermittent fasting has been quite hard for me to understand. Only a few years ago there was no way I was able to understand how anyone could skip breakfast, but now I look at it very differently. If you aren't hungry in the morning, and feel like you don't need anything to eat, then why to do so? In addition, there also are people who start to feel nauseous from eating early in the morning...

It all comes naturally to me and I don't need or want to look for an exact eating window.

I think this proves how well the diet/lifestyle fits for you. Probably you'd follow intermittent fasting, even if no one had created the term, since it's natural for you. But that what you said about adjusting the body also makes sense, our bodies just need time to break habits and create new ones.

Thanks for your comment, it was really nice to hear about your experience! :)


Probably you'd follow intermittent fasting, even if no one had created the term, since it's natural for you.

Yeah, I only discovered the term 'intermittent fasting' after I had already eaten like I do.