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RE: The Importance of Seeded Fruit

in #nutrition7 years ago

lots of fruits have been genetically engineered throughout history to contain less or no seeds. i think this might be what @creeflow is going on about. That it is as nature intended it. Tobacco is viewed as healthy practice in native American cultures, for healing and cleansing properties. but tobacco smoking has been abused as an everyday habit unfortunately, when u smoke 20 pre packed cigs a day, its going to be very detrimental to health. Theres a lot of atmospheric toxic chemicals that enter our lungs every day, that are carcinogenic and we need alot of anti-oxidant rich fruits and vegs to prevent free radical damages.


The fruit wasn't genetically engineered, it was selected. It's different when you fuss around with the actual genes and when you save the best seed for next year.

The same fruits also had a much worse taste and less nutrition. 'Natural' is not always best.

I know about mapacho, I've grown it before for years. It's even more toxic than tobacco that's commercially grown since it contains 10x more nicotine. It yields a powerful stimulative high that might be understood as spiritual cleansing, but in reality it's poisoning in a non-lethal dose.

The purification/detox thing is a myth. The only thing it can purify is your nose if you snort it because it irritates it. Your body reacts by flushing your own water through the nose to clean the tobacco. A byproduct is that the mucus get's diluted in the process, making you breathe easier.

The same effect can be achieved with a little bit of spicy chilli or pepper, but you don't see people snorting chilli powder when they have a flu, do you?

My point was that if something is natural it doesn't mean it's healthy - animal foods are natural too. Yet, they are a proven public health hazard (so is tobacco).

'Unnatural' is sometimes better and natural is sometimes worse.

Natural and good don't consistently come in the same package.

We should look for what's better, not what's natural - that's pointless.