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RE: Nunavut Quest 2022

in #nunavut3 years ago

As I've just seen the "debate" between you, markymark and networkallstar, I tend to think networkallstar has gone crazy, engaging in mindless discussions, writing nonsense, both in content and in language. Plus, he seems to leave Hive for Blurt (lol). Thus, I'd tend to undelegate the 2k HP.

But: I refuse to be blackmailed. Your behavior (downvoting before explaining the situation, before asking why I delegated, etc.) has been very rude. Do you want to be part of a community where the "stronger" (more HP) can force the "weaker" to do anything the stronger wants?

Concerning the sanctions against Russia: I agree.
And in this case between you and me, you are Russia.


Enjoy losing more than he gains you then. In this scenario YOU are the asshole with the nuclear option. Not me.

Show me how this ecosystem works any differently with all the bullying that does go on. It's not like you're some pillar of virtue that's above it. You are forcing me to cow to your ways just as much. Couldn't think of a different option to combat this? Just straight to fight fire with fire eh?

Too bad you're fighting a bridgeburner.

What is my nuclear option? I am not the least interested in a downvote battle. You attacked me without having interacted with me or knowing me at all, but just because I downvoted some HP to a guy many months ago (which is solely my decision).

Oh yes, I am a pillar of virtue above this bullying. I don't bully anyone here. I don't force you to do anything. You are the aggressor who came to my blog (=my country) and tried to burn down a part of it (just like Russia did). I just mirrored your action in order to disincentive you to do that again. How could I be more peaceful? Just acknowledge that you overreached here, and we undo our downvotes. I consider that a fair offer. And may you live in peace ever after!

Actually, yeah. I will admit that I made a mistake there and I should have approached that very differently. Showing you what the guy was doing and not being a downvoter. My bad. I can see the err of my ways there.

I am also able to laugh at myself and oh, God, the irony of my analogy blowing up in my face is not lost on me and will tickle my funny bone for quite some time.

I apologize for downvoting you and will rectify the situation. And... looking over your content, you earned a follower to boot.

Ah great, I am regaining faith in humanity. Just over the last days I had some discussions here being confronted with lots of strawman arguments ... very tiring.

Thanks for following me, and concerning your critique of my delegation, I will observe for some days and reevaluate.
Have a great day!

Screenshot 2022-05-04 082528.png
Wtf happened here? this is on your comment.

That's a downvote I regularly get from spaminator.