A couple of days ago I got the same old question that I am getting pretty often – concerning numerology, science about numbers. This was the trigger to write the following short ‘course’ on that topic for my dear Steemians. Let me simplify this explanation, partly quoted from ‘The Book of magic Numbers’ by reducing it to the names and symbolic meaning of each number in the relevant, first ten numbers:
0 = occult APEX
at the beginning and the end of everything;
contains all Vibrations and all Laws;
indefinite, unreachable, eternal;
life is conceived and ended within it
source: The Awakened State
symbol of Cosmos and one of God’s attributes
source: Philadelphia Church of God
material principle; Satan’s number according to some analysts
source: Fanpop
perfect number; contains a beginning, a middle and an end; in Christianity - the Holy Trinity;
in Hinduism – a sign of three gods (Brahma, Shiva, Vishnu, that is to say, Creator, Keeper, Destroyer), and in Greek/Roman tradition and mythology –
Zeus/Jupiter rules the sky, holding three torches;
Poseidon/Neptune the sea, armed by a trident and
Hades/Pluto the hell, being guarded by the 3-headed dog Cerberus
source: Pinterest
source: robbdervish - DeviantArt
the number of letters (sounds) in the word ‘God’ in many languages: Deus, Lord, Gott, Godt, Godh, Adat, Soru (Latin, English, French, German, Danish, Dutch, Persian, Assyrian, Greek, Hebrew, Sanskrit); the World is divided into four corners, and time in 4 seasons
source: JW.org
pentagram at astral level;
symbol of the unity of Man and Cosmos;
the sum of all lines of Natural Force -
1 = unity; 2 = variety; 3 = balance; 4 = universal divine justice; 5 = creator’s principles
source: Dr. Linda Gadbois
perfect – balance in the micro and macro Cosmos;
equal to the sum of its halves and thirds;
God created world in six days
source: iZofy
Holy number: 7 days in a week, 7 Moon phases, 7 seas, 7 mountains, 7-note music scale
source: Meaning of Numbers - Number Symbolism
bliss in the Gospel according to St. Matthew;
brings good and bad vibrations, depending on how we direct them
source: Eccentric Bliss
mystic number;
3 multiplied by itself;
in any of basic mathematical operations 9 itself is the result;
number of immortality; number of perfection;
unity of the spiritual and material, warm and cold, female and male, Heaven’s and Earth’s, hard and soft, light and darkness.
source: Numerology Secrets
The vibrant order of numbers, attributed to the Pythagoreans and certain occultists, eventually turned into quite popular science nowadays: numerology, i.e., the ability to predict the future events through numbers.
source: Centre of Excellence
What used to be denied and annihilated in medieval times and even earlier in every possible way and in extremely radical forms – from mockery to stigmatization and inquisition of the wise – it has nowadays become generally accepted ‘modus vivendi’, as we are living in the privileged time when our reward seem to be a possibility to describe our experiences in writing quite independently.
To conclude this preview of the complex topic on numerology, let me show you - regarding my own example - how to find out the numeric source of one’s soul or so called individual genetic number: add all the numbers from the date of birth – (Sept. 8, 1951) 8+9+1+9+5+1 = 33 and then reduce it to one figure – 3+3 = 6, which means that I am – by karmic vocation – the TEACHER.
If you found this post interesting, let me know, please, and I may soon come up with more details on the topic...
source: fatosdesconhecidos.com.br
Stay tuned !
Nice post - on numbers, I've been noticing a lot of 14's in regards to the possible demiurge...just curious if you had any thoughts on that number. cheers!
I'm interested! Also in tarot and astrology. About astrology I've been reading for many years, 15 yr at least, and found jyotish much confident than western astrology, but am in lack of practice. Zašto se mučim s engleskim? :) Nisam proučavala astrologiju da bih čitala drugim ljudima natalne ili budućnost jer ne znam bih li mogla (bar ne sada) preuzeti toliku odgovornost, već zbog shvaćanja, šireg shvaćanja. Sva ta područja me privlače, evo naježila sam se amo na temu tvog posta.
Btw, 1+1+1+9+8+1=21, 2+1=3. :D Nevjerojatno!