Angel Numbers and Recurring Numbers

in #numerology7 years ago

Have you ever had a situation where you seem to go through a period in your life where you keep seeing the same recurring numbers over and over again?

Maybe you keep seeing 444 wherever you go? You paid $4.44 at the store, or you keep seeing 444 on licence plates when you drive to and from work, or maybe you keep waking up at 4:44am?

It doesn't even have to be the same number, perhaps you always see 1212 or 311.

Do you wonder if there's more to those repeating numbers or do you just brush it off as an illusion of your mind?

Up until last year I never knew what to think when this would happen to me. I used to ignore it most of the time but my curiousity got the best of me and I did a quick Google search and found this website

All of a sudden the numbers I kept seeing everywhere I looked, took on a different meaning.

I was introduced into a community of people who believed
that these numbers were being shown to us for a reason to help guide us along, by Angels or some higher power.

Recently I noticed something interesting on our Facebook page:


Notice the pattern? So I decided to go to my favourite page to check out what this sequence could mean and here's what came up:


To say that this applies to our business and the directions were taking with it would be an understatement. It's spot on.

Now I know that not everyone will be into this idea but I wanted to share as I think it's an interesting topic.

What do you guys think of this?
Have you experienced this before?


Yes! Yes ! Yes ! I have a friend who uses numerology and is like a walking encyclopaedia about it, it’s amazing how accurate it is, even if you think it’s all poppy-cock, you will be blown away.

Totally!! Sometimes it's just a matter of paying attention to what's happening around you !