How Nipsey Hussle's Death Points to London Marathon 2019

in #numerology5 years ago (edited)


The recent murder of the rapper Nipsey Hussle has moved a lot of people on the internet. It was all coding for the mega August 10-11 event (numbers 118 and 811) but even more for a potential Marathon related false flag attack. Likely the London Marathon on April 28th, 2019.

Nipsey Hussle was born and shot (at age 33) in Los Angeles, Califonia.

Nipsey Hussle 313 133 815 158.jpg

Los Angeles is on the 118th Meridian West, like 11th of August (or November 8, reminding of the massive California Wildfires north of Los Angeles last year).
118 Los Angeles coordinates.PNG

118 Los Angeles California.PNG

His discography is all about Marathons!

Nipsey Hussle discography Marathon.PNG

He owned the Marathon Clothing store in Los Angeles, in front of which he was shot.

Nipsey Hussles Marathon Clothing Store.PNG

His birth numerology is like the 1-0-1 of important numbers this year. We have 108 (August 10 and Sun-Earth-Moon correlations), 227 (Pi number as 22/7 is 3.14 and Golden Gate Bridge is 227m tall and French Monarchy fall has 227th anniversary on August 10), 138 (endless list containing Donald Trump, Great Pyramid size and time riddles), 118 (as in August 11) and 144 (we are in the 1440th year of the Islam calendar and HUGE time number). The other numbers are surely relevant as well but the mentioned numbers are incredibly important and I have spoken about them many times before.

Nipsey Hussle birth 8-15-1985 date numerology 158 127 227 138 118 144.PNG

Nipsey Hussle was born with the sun at 142°, Mercury at 134° and Mars at 133° - all conjuncting the Lion's Gate. These numbers are all very important, as you will see.

Nipsey Hussle birth Sun 142° Moon and Mercury 134° Mars 133°.jpg

Let us look at all three numbers closer.


August 11 leaves 142 days in the year!

The September Eleven Attacks lasted 1:42h.

September 11 attacks 9-11 911 119 1h 42m 142 6120s 612 102m.PNG

Robin Williams got BORN and DIED (August 11) with Mercury at 142° of the Lion's Gate and is a huge part of the San Francisco coding.

Robin Williams BirthRobin Williams Death
Robinn Williams birth Mercury Lions Gate 142.jpgRobin Williams death Mercury Sun Lions Gate 142.jpg

The recent Christchurch shooting on the Ides of March was reported to the police at 1:42pm.
1hour 42minutes Christchurch attack 142.PNG

142 Terrorist Gematria.PNG

The Christchurch terrorist mentioned to watch PewDiePie, right before his attack. PewDiePie's birth numerology is 142.

142 PewDiePie birth numerology.PNG

Also, from PewDiePie's last birthday to the Christchurch shooting were 142 days.
PewDiePie birthday 2018 to Christchurch attack 2019 142 days.PNG

I have much more about 142 but you get the point.


August 10 and 11 is Tisha B'Av, the Jewish 9/11, mourning of the destruction of the first and second temple of Jerusalem.
134 Tisha B'Av.PNG

Tisha means 'ninth' and Av is the eleventh month in the Hebrew calendar.
134 Ninth of Av.PNG

We will closer at this specific flight further down the article.
134 Ethiopian Airlines Flight 302.PNG


Nipsey connects to Ethiopia and its former emperor Haile Selassie big time. We will unravel many more connections bit by bit.
133 Haile Selassie I.PNG

133 Ethiopia.PNG

During the Boston Marathon 2019 on April 15th, the Notre Dame fire happened, during a renovation of the cathedral.

133 Notre Dame fire.PNG

133 Renovation.PNG


Another interesting number for Nipsey is 90. His second Mix tape equals 90.

90 The Marathon Continues (Nipsey Hussle).PNG

So does marathon.
90 Marathon.PNG

And emperor, like Haile Selassie was.
90 Emperor.PNG

And connects to the Golden Gate, Holy Bible and Waldo Grade (behind Golden Gate bridge, leading to the Robin Williams Tunnel), creating the circle to 8/11 again.
90 45 180 Holy Bible Golden Gate Waldo Grade.PNG

Nipsey's death date is the 90th day of the year.
Nipsey Hussle death date numerology 90 275 73 34 162.PNG



The Boston Marathon bombings happened on April 15, 2013.

Boston Marathon 2013 bombing.PNG

The winner of that marathon was the Ethiopian Lelisa Desisa Benti.
Boston Marathon 2013 winner.PNG

His birthday is 1/14 or 14/1 which is 114 or 141.
1-14-1990 birthday Lelisa Desisa Benti (Boston Marathon winner 2013) 114.PNG


His name equals 114.
114 Lelisa Desisa Benti (Boston Marathon winner 2013).PNG

Just like Boston Marathon bombing, even in the same cipher.
114 Boston Marathon Bombing.PNG

Form the first Boston Marathon on April 19, 1897 to August 11, 2019 are 122 years and 114 days. Again, the 114. The 122 years point directly to the 122nd Meridian West, crossing through California and specifically San Francisco, which equals 122 as well, like 'Golden Sate', 'Pope Francis' and 'Great American Eclipse'.

From first Boston Marathon to August 11 2019 122y 114d.PNG


Besides 114, the other way of expressing Benti's birthday is 141. This is another big one.

Nipsey's last studio album 'Victory Lap' equals 141.
141 Victory Lap (Nipsey Hussle).PNG

811, the number of August 11, is the 141st Prime number.

811 141st Prime 6229.PNG

Revelation 8:11 speaks about the Wormwood star and is the 141st verse of the Book of Revelation.

Revelation 8-11 verse 141 Wormwood.PNG

The Sun's volume is encoding both 141 and 118 (like 11th of August).
Sun volume 141 1018 118 811.PNG

St Francis of Assisi, name giver of San Francisco, a city turning 88,888 days on August 10, as well as name giver to Pope Francis, the 266th pope born with the Sun at 266° ecliptic, right on the Golden Gate galactic center, St Francis of Assisis whose name is equalling 118 in Gematria, with follower St Claire of Assisi dying on August 11 and having her catholic feast day on August 11, both founding the Franciscan order, which is in its 811th year now - THIS St Francis of Assisi was born with SATURN at 141° of the ecliptic (J2000 position), right behind the Lion's Gate.

St Francis of Assisi birth Saturn Lions Gate.jpg

On his deathbed, he was singing Psalm 142 (see above), which was in the Latin bible Psalm 141.

The symbolism of Benti's birthday and country Ethiopia are hugely important to everything that is going on this year, planned for decades if not centuries. This makes him an important part of the Kabbalah magic that is being coded for us.



Benti is Ethiopian. The African country is legendary for its Christian roots, its own calendar, is rumored to house the Ark of the Covenant, had the famous emperor Haile Selassie, who was revered by Rastafarians and had the Lion on their flag during Selassie time.

Haile_Selassie_in_full_dress.jpgEthiopia flag under Selassie lion.png

August 10 is World Lion Day, right after the Lion's Gate opening.

World Lion Day August 10 810 2019.PNG

The Lion symbolism connects him and Ethiopia to both Jesus Christ and the Lion's Gate between the sign of Cancer and Leo. Selassie fits perfect into the riddle about Nipsey Hussle and Marathons, as we have already seen. But there is more.


Marathon equals 310.
310 Marathon.PNG

Hailie Selassie does as well, in the same cipher.
310 Selassie.PNG

And so does 'emperor', what Selassie was.
310 Emperor.PNG

It gets better: Former president of Iran, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, made a very strange statement about Nipsey Hussle's death, quoting Tupac Shakur.

Former Iranian president Ahmadinejad statement Nipsey Hussle death Tupac quote.PNG

That quote equals 310.
310 Tupac quote Baby dont cry.PNG

But it get's much crazier!


Boeing 737 Crashes

The recent crashes of two Boeing 737 Max 8, are interconnected with the coding and ritual sacrifice, that is going on. The first one happened on October 29th, 2018 and the second one happened on March 10, 2019. March 10 can be expressed as 310. But there is much more as you will see.

610 Lion302 Ethiopia
Lion Air Flight 610 10-29-2018 181 189 737 1110.PNGEthiopian Airlines Flight 302 3-10-2019 310 103 149 157 737.PNG

First of all, Lion Air flight 610 happened on October 29th, which is the 302nd day of the year, connecting to Ethiopian Airlines flight 302.

The first airplane was from Lion Air and the second from Ethiopian Airlines.


Saturn is part of the key worship of the coders. However, all of the seven wanderers are important in Astrotheology, which includes the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Mars, Venus and Jupiter as well.
737 Planet Saturn.PNG

During the Boston Marathon 2019, Notre Dame was burning.
737 Christian Churches.PNG

We even find our magical number of August 11.
811 Boing 737 Max 8.PNG


This is fascinating: When we add the numbers from Flight 610 with Flight 302 we get 912.

610 + 302 is 912 737 flights Lion Ethiopia.PNG

Ethiopian's emperor Haile Selassie was dethroned on 9/12.
9-12-1974 912 129 Deposition of Haile Selassie Ethiopia.PNG

Connecting to Marathon again: The Battle of Marathon took place on 9/12.
Battle of Marathon 9-12-490 BC (or 8-12) 912 129 812 128.PNG

From Lion Air flight 610 to August 10 are 9 months and 12 days.
From Lion Air flight 610 to August 10 2019 are 9m 12d 912 129.PNG


April 15, 2019

On April 15, 2019 we had a huge coding day, as it perfectly connected the date numerology with that of August 11, 2019 AND it was 118 days before August 11. On that day, the Boston Marathon took place and the Notre Dame fire happened, which was a massive symbol for the fall of the Catholic church, something the Kabal(ah) has been secretly working towards for a long time. Pope Francis might be the last pope, but that is something for another article.

April-15-2019-and-August-11-2019-Date-Numerology PERFECT MATCH.png

Both April 15 and August 11 with 58 day numerology, like Donald Trump being the 58th inaugurated president with his 58-floor tall Trump Tower. Besides that a massively prophetic number of huge relevance for the 8/11 coding.

The lion symbolism again.
58 Lion.PNG

Boston Marathon is 58.
58 Boston Marathon.PNG

And what happened this year at the Boston Marathon? Benti came in second, the closest final in 31 years (310 is also basically 31 in Numerology).
Boston Marathon 2019 Kenia Ethiopia closest finish in 31y.PNG

On April 19th, 2019, the 122nd birthday of the first Boston Marathon takes place. It is a day with a Full Moon and much other coding, I am not going into here. That day in the Ethiopian calendar is 8/11.

4-19-2019 in Ethiopian calendar is 8-11-2011 811 419 194 118 (114 days before 8-11) Boston Marathon.PNG


London Marathon

This brings us now to the final stage of this particular coding cluster: The London marathon on April 28th, 2019 (28/4).

284 London.PNG

284 Nipsey.PNG

284 Sacrificial Lamb.PNG

284 Nine One One.PNG

It will be the 118th day of the year. This is VERY important this year.

April 28 118th day leaving 247 days in the year.PNG

The London Marathon will be 28 days after Nipsey's death.

From Nipsey Hussle death to London Marathon 2019 28d.PNG

He was supposedly shot by Eric Holder and Eric, Holder and Kill equal all 28 in the same cipher.

28 Eric Holder Kill overlap.PNG

Nipsey, Rapper and London equal 74, in the same cipher.

74 Nipsey.PNG

74 Rapper.PNG

74 London.PNG

From the Ethiopian Airlines flight 302 to the London Marathon are 1 month and 18 days, as in 118 or 11th of August.

From Ethiopian airlines flight 302 crash to London Marathon 2019.PNG

From the London Marathon 2019 to August 11 are 3 month and 14 days. A perfect Pi reference with 3.14, which is a massive number of the 8/11 coding.
From London Marathon 2019 to August 11 2019 3m 14d 314 or 105d.PNG

It takes place exactly 1987 weeks after the first London Marathon.

From first London Marathon to 4-28-2019 London Marathon 38y 30d or 1987w or 13909d.PNG

1987 is the 300th Prime Number.
1987 300th Prime 17291.PNG

Lion equals 300.
300 Lion.PNG

The second Great American Eclipse in 2024, that will draw the X over the United States, is the 300th Millennium Lunation phase (lunation 1253 minus 953 lunation phases before year 2000). This is like a time marker. I suspect great changes for the US within these two eclipses, potentially the end of the Union.
X Eclipse.jpg

London is on the 51st parallel north.

London coordinates 51° 0°.PNG

Nipsey Hussle's Mix Tape equals 51.
51 The Marathon.PNG

Nipsey's studio album Victory Lap equals also 51, in the same cipher.

51 Victory Lap (Nipsey Hussle).PNG

And so do a couple of other thing
51 Conspiracy.PNG

Father Time aka Cronos aka Saturn.
51 Father Time.PNG

51 Attacks.PNG

51 Killings.PNG

51 Propaganda.PNG


April will stay interesting with April 19th, 21st (Queen's 93rd birthday) and April 28. Will we see some false flag event in London, like the Boston Marathon bombing? Only time will tell. And it's ALL about time. One is certain, though: We live in a controlled world, where everything happens by the numbers.



Dan Behrendt for the Ethiopian riddle.

And Zachary Hubbard for plenty of Nipsey Hussle.


Hey @flauwy .. once again I just want to stop by and offer my full support for all the work and research that you have been bringing to the blockchain. I haven't been around very much, but I've been monitoring/reading/upvoting your posts and commend you for putting them together. I might not have been around but (book aside) I have been busy and will be back with new work soon! :)

Great to read from you. I am looking forward for your next research. 2019 is huge and we need you.

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