My mission for the day? Putting a face on my avocado!
Needle felting facial features on something the size of a cherry was a HUGE challenge! I couldn’t use too little fabric or else it wouldn’t be bold enough but too much would alter the desired shapes. I had to switch between needles to blend the fabrics and eliminate the fluff since the goal is for the felt to stick together.
If I could do anything differently, then I’d probably use thread for the face instead. This isn’t my first time attempting to felt faces on something teeny tiny so I don’t know why I didn’t think of thread sooner! I just have to get a bigger needle so it doesn’t get trapped between the compacted fibers.

I spent maybe six hours total on this grumpy avocado and I didn’t feel like stopping to take progress shots. Once I get a decent desk lamp then I’ll start recording hyper lapse footage to share. While working on this I had the realty show, Skin Wars: Fresh Paint, playing in the background. RuPaul is hosting the show and it’s playing tricks on me because when I look up I’m expecting to see drag queens not artists.

Next, I’ll be sculpting a cute little strawberry but before I do that I’m going to take a break to either edit photos or sketch.

Very creative @vermillionfox. Wow Six hours is a long time, Congratulations! I take this opportunity to invite you to use the nTopaz photo carousel, remember you can upload to 10 images in your publication. =)
Ohhh! I didn’t know you could upload up to ten. Thanks for letting me know.
Wow, six hours! That's longer than I've worked on anything in my entire life.
Haha! I know, time consuming! It’s definitely a leisure activity but it can’t be rushed or you’ll get poked...and it hurts.
It looks annoyed that you woke it up from its nap XD
YES! This is actually how I look when my sleep is disturbed. 😆
I'm a bit behind on everyone's posts. Oh heavens this is ADORABLE!
I used to felt once upon a time. I made little animals (no surprise there) and even sold a few on etsy, but it was hard work and my fingers were a bit bloody and since I needed them to hold paintbrushes I let it go. I gave away all my wool/felt needles laptop foam thing all that.
This is such a cute one. If you are going to be making to sell, he's a wonderful idea.
I remember you telling me about your felt animals! I bet they looked amazing. Bloody fingers is right. I pricked myself twice today and boy did it sting.
I was thinking that maybe I’d make a bunch of fruit characters to sell. @kommienezuspadt suggested that I take commissions but I’m not sure I’m up for that.
Very cute, foxi ! The avocado has gained a personality with that face on ! :D