Beautiful seaport Gdansk

in #ntopaz6 years ago (edited)


Pen drawing, Gdansk, Poland.

Gdansk is a beautiful city on the Baltic coast, and it is a principal seaport of the country.
These stretched apartments are so beautiful and tempting to draw them ♥






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짱짱맨 호출에 응답하였습니다.

언제나 감사합니다..

Lovely buildings, I like it :).

Thank you!

I love your drawings so much, @joecita :) The detailing and the style you do them in ... very charming <3 Reminds me of illustrations from my teenager days ! These kinds of apartments that are adjacent one to the other, and are narrow buildings, I find them very charming myself <3 Wonderful post <3

Thank you, I'm so happy you like my illustrations style!