I'm not really about too give so straight accusations. Yes, both images quite similar, but counting it is very usual ballerina's pose nothing is so clear in this particular case.
So I would love to hear comments from @ksenja first...
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If you don't suspect the artist's work is derivative of the other which seems to be clearly the case, I will request that judgment be subject to review by the rest of NTopaz team.
There is far too much similarity regarding the individual elements of this art and, quite frankly, makes me question your fitness as a curator to enforce established guidelines.
Posted using Partiko Android
So you are starting now personal attacks on nTOPAZ curator? Who are you?
I'm world wide award winning photographer with FIAP, PSA, GPU, MOL distinctions in photography.
Tell me some your achievements in the field of art or photography and then we can continue our discussion
Please, this isn't about your past achievements or credentials. That is a logical fallacy of appeal to authority. We are discussing a very specific instance here so let's stick to that, ok?
Yes, I think it demonstrates a lapse in your judgment and would hope you take feedback appropriately as a curator instead of getting upset.
As a courtesy to you, I was careful to discuss the matter in DM with an admin as a first course of action.
Hope you understand that I am not trying to be mean or anything but I do have a concern about the effect that not upholding this guideline would have for those that are intentionally seeking to deceive.
Perhaps, this user just made an honest mistake but we cannot know this as any person can feign ignorance. This is why I believe it is important to enforce this guideline in a fashion that is agnostic to perceived intent.
That is unless you want to foster an environment where artists embellish their talent for increased votes.
I would hope that we would both agree that is not good for the public perception of nTopaz.
Posted using Partiko Android
Well, Anthony, lets cam down for a while. My point was still to wait for an explanation from the artist, before that final judgement. Not telling that I completely disagree, just my opinion is not so strict. We don't need all those dramas, but I guess other part of conflict still has the right to answer and explain first, right?
So well, we have the answer and have admit you were right. Will inform nTOPAZ to act accordingly
Thanks, @axeman.
I think we are in accord now. Yes, I think waiting for explanation is prudent as well.
Not saying we need to come down like a hammer but maybe reward less when an author fails to cite source of inspiration.
Rewards can always be adjusted via flags but we can absolutely be cordial in doing so.
I know flags have a bad stigma which I attribute to their misuse and I often work to dispel that in the valuable practice of negative curation.
For example, if an artist that duly cites source of inspiration, I would like to see get rewarded more than a comparable work that does not.
If it's already voted, in leiu of unvoting revoting to adjust, it is much simpler to use a downvote as long as we articulate that for constructive feedback.
Thanks for enduring my many words. ☺️
Yep, the worsest thing on steemit is flag war... thats for sure ) Just a loss of resources