Thanks, @axeman.
I think we are in accord now. Yes, I think waiting for explanation is prudent as well.
Not saying we need to come down like a hammer but maybe reward less when an author fails to cite source of inspiration.
Rewards can always be adjusted via flags but we can absolutely be cordial in doing so.
I know flags have a bad stigma which I attribute to their misuse and I often work to dispel that in the valuable practice of negative curation.
For example, if an artist that duly cites source of inspiration, I would like to see get rewarded more than a comparable work that does not.
If it's already voted, in leiu of unvoting revoting to adjust, it is much simpler to use a downvote as long as we articulate that for constructive feedback.
Thanks for enduring my many words. ☺️
Yep, the worsest thing on steemit is flag war... thats for sure ) Just a loss of resources