Alright, time to get this show on the road:
This is one of my favorite H-Games I currently own.
Source: DLsite
Ankoku Marimokan creates some pretty extreme content.
I do own all of their games, though I gotta say that some of
them borderline the amount of brutality I can still enjoy.
Having a bloody mess for a girl isn't exactly my thing.
Fortunatly, these games don't depict serious injuries and blood very much.
Not realistic? Of course it's not, sheesh.
My Hentai doesn't have to teach little kids
that people die when they are killed.
That's why we have memes nowadays.
Okay, now why do I love this game so much?
First of all, the art style and animation in this are great.
Though the game is Japanese, important menus are in ENGLISH.
You can easily learn the game by trying out what every button does.
At it's core, this is a 2D fighting game where you lead the heroine through
her adventure and decide how fortunate or not she will be on her way.
The gameplay is very fluent.
You can run, jump, kick, punch, spin, shoot lasers and execute Princess
Peach's trademarked hip-attack move from the Super Smash Bros. series.
My only complaint would be some weird hitboxes.
Much more importantly:
Everything you do in this game has consequences and
there are animations for almost every possibility.
Get hit too often and your enemies will knock you prone.
Don't worry though, they will have a lot of fun with you.
You wouldn't get hit on purpose now, would you? ehem
Game Over isn't a much of a punishment.
Well, actually it is exactly a punishment.
Not as much for you as for your heroine though.
Continuing after a Game Over will not only affect future CGs,
you will also get a new "costume" depending on the stage you're in.
Though you won't be much of a capable fighter anymore.
But don't worry, you can always get your original outfit back.
(Just in case you still want to continue your progress)
This game doesn't punish it's player, it rewards you no matter what you do.
Even Game Overs lead to new animations you haven't seen before.
I can't emphasize enough how important this is for these kinds of games.
After all, we're trying to play a porn-game here, potentially one-handed.
If I wanna Game Over properly I'm gonna go play Dark Souls, DAMNIT.
Anyway, check out the game, I swear you won't regret it.
You can get it legally on DLsite, they even have a trial version for free.
If you can't pay, look for it yourself on sites like the nyaa tracker.
You'll always find it somewhere.
I highly recommend supporting the devs though, since these games are
a shitton of work to make and rarely procure a proper income.
❥Have fun.
I mean if it's good content why not, been upvotedd hope you return the favour n check my blog out and if you like my blog even follow
I actually have an LP channel on YT in another life of mine so I'm gonna drop by when I see something related to my interests. :)
Any chance you'd happen to know if these games your reviewing can be run on a linux system? I do miss me some h-gaming.
Mhh, I remember having a few games that actually came with a dedicated version for both Windows and Linux, unfortunately I don't use Linux thus I usually delete those to save some hard drive space. :/
On the spot I can only point you towards this however I'm not sure it's still seeded and I'm pretty sure it's a visual novel. Sooo... mostly text with a few H-CGs.
I'll tell you next time I come across a proper game including a Linux version.
Hi again, I looked through my folder of games I didn't play yet (thus I didn't delete possible linux versions).

First game I found is this. Happy Campers.
Appears to be a visual-novel style of game.
Second one is this. Magical Arena.

It's an RPG based game.