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RE: an actual hello as i step out of the fog

in #nsfw3 years ago


though i was more concerned with the posting guidelines on #porn, not like just generally-speaking. and i could be wrong, i thought #porn posts came into this site/tribe/whatever (though presumably on-chain any site can show it, i guess i will go check peakd right now to see if #porn gets in there) so i was more wondering about like how to classify my post for them. like, i am a nsfw creator, is there maybe a way here to tag my post where it doesn't just show up in the same feed as dudes just posting (cough stealing) nudes LOL

Posted via | Get Rewards for Sexual Content

Ah I see what you are looking for now. Unfortunately I do not really know the guidelines for that but it should follow the same guidelines as any other topic.

If I was trying to do it I would seek out other real creators of that variety and see how they are doing it. You could probably even comment on their posts and ask them directly for advice.

As an original creator your stuff will stand out from all those plagiarized spam posts but outside posting to a community (as an example) like this one: I do not know what else you can do besides creating a community of your own.

It may take some time but I think you will figure out something that works for you.