Mother & son discover stranded discover - 2

in #nsfw8 years ago (edited)

"I'm just afraid of your reaction of what I have on under my blouse and shirt."

"What . . . Hmm let me guess, a bra and a pair of panties would be my guess. Not exactly shocking Mother." He looked at her and then added sarcastically. "How shall I ever recover from the sight of that!?"

"Honey stop I am being serious. You are right. I am wearing a bra and panties of course but not my usual style I guess you would say. I am afraid of what you might think."

"All I am thinking is you are freezing and if you want to get warm you are going to have to strip out of those wet clothes just exactly as you told me."

She dabbed at the gash on his forehead making it a point to ignore what he just said, again curious to see if he would push the issue. "I something clean to get the dirt away from this gash on your forehead."

"That pretty blouse of yours is clean Mother."

"Yeah, I suppose it is," she sighed. "I guess you are right. Maybe I should strip off my blouse and use it to help clean you up a bit."

The issue finally settled, Ellen slowly began to unbutton her blouse, but not before taking a large drink of her Jack and coke to give her courage.

After a larger than normal swig from the Jack and coke the buzz in her brain from the whiskey is more than a little acute. Actually, it is rather mind numbing making her feel both bold and reckless.

"I can close my eyes if you want." Jimmie offered tentatively as he watched her begin to undo her blouse with a greater sense of expectation that he should have been feeling.

"Ahh don't be silly honey. Just try not to be too grossed out when you see your mother's new bra and panties underneath," she told him in a flirtatious voice.

She was unbuttoning her blouse deliberately slow; conscious of her son's eyes on her chest. The fact he is watching her makes the whole act seem almost surreal. She imagined she should feel some sense of shyness, but instead she felt only hope. Hope, that is, her son will like the new colorful bra she was wearing.

Just to fuel that hope she paused in undoing her blouse and took the largest gulp yet out of the large plastic cup containing the whiskey and coke. The buzz was instant. Incredible. She felt sexy. Invincible even, as he continues to watch her.

Ellen's new colorful bra was the direct result of her new best friend Mandy's persistent badgering. Mandy teased Ellen that white was not the only color bra available in her size. Nor was it a sin to wear bras and panties that actually were all prettied up with lace and ribbons and whatnot.

After months of resistance, Ellen finally took the advice to heart and today, as fate would have it, for the first time was wearing something a bit more sexy and daring than normal. Well she hoped it was sexy anyways as God knows her husband would never tell her so, but maybe Jimmie would she wondered?

As she leisurely continued to unbutton her blouse she thanked God for the copious amount of whiskey she had consumed. Being drunk made it much easier than she could have imagined to strip out of her clothes in front of her 18 year old son.

The whiskey was also taking its toll on Jimmie, who did not consume much alcohol as a rule. The two large swallows of the whiskey filled coke had went straight to his head and given him an instant buzz. If he had been sober more than likely he would have made it a point to turn away as she took off her blouse, but he was not sober and he was not turning away.

He marveled yet again at the pure sexiness of his mom. He remembered how he earlier had stared at those nice legs of hers so aptly on display beneath the short dark skirt. Now watching her so very eagerly take off her blouse made staring at her legs earlier seem almost innocent.

"Honey are you sure seeing your mother in her bra and panties won't be like . . ." She paused in unbuttoning her blouse about halfway down, "I don't know maybe be totally gross for you?"

He answered slowly, choosing his bold words carefully. "Mom you are a beautiful woman who should be more concerned about the anticipation your young son is feeling in waiting to see you remove your blouse and reveal this new bra of yours. Doesn't that maybe creep you out?"

"Actually the truth is . . . it does wonders for my self-esteem knowing you are waiting so anxiously to see your mother getting undressed." She gave him a most mischievous smile at that point which only made him wonder if she was serious or not.

He said nothing in response only continuing to stare as she looked down at her blouse concentrating on undoing the large buttons. Jimmie suspected his mother was going slowly very much on purpose if for no other reason than create suspense.

Her blouse, unbuttoned all the way, but still in place enough to cover the much talked about new bra, left him feeling anxious and curious.

Instead of making a move to take it off she only leaned over towards him and peered at the gash in his forehead. "Hmm it appears to have almost stopped bleeding. Now we just need to get it cleaned out."

He caught the briefest glimpse of something colorful underneath the blouse and it only increased his anticipation. "Mom don't worry about my damn cut now. You are still shivering so you had bett-"

"I know, I know take off my wet blouse." She interrupted him with a playful smile. She paused letting the drama build before she got down to it and leisurely began to strip off her blouse. She sighed audibly thinking of how very wonderful it was her young son was so anxious to see his mother strip off her blouse.

He tried at first to look away. Tried to urgently maintain some kind of innocence between them but in the end his curiosity is simply too much. His eyes shifted over to her just as she peeled back her blouse revealing a beautiful turquoise colored bra with black trimming running alongside the tops of her bra cups.

His eyes drink in every lovely detail of his mom's beautiful new bra noting how the black trim ends in the middle of the soft valley between her tits making a lovely little black ribbon.

Ellen noticed how eagerly he stared at her chest which caused her heart to swell with a tawdry confidence in her own innate sex appeal. But still it would be nice to hear him say aloud something nice about her looks.

So Ellen decided to go fishing for a compliment anxious to find out if he would nibble. She looked at him evenly and said in a cool voice, "Well I guess the eager way you keep staring at your mother's chest must mean you like her new bra huh, sweetie?"

Jimmie understood that by now his mother was well on her way to being intoxicated and therefore highly emotional and awfully sensitive. The slightest little thing could send her off on an emotional crying jag. He must be careful to not bruise her fragile self-esteem at all costs. God knows his dad had done enough damage to her self-esteem to last a lifetime.

He measured his words carefully. "I hope you don't mind me staring Mom because honestly your bra looks really, really pretty on you and I guess that is why I was staring."

"Ahh sweetheart you really mean that?"

"Yes, seriously I do, Mom."

"I was so worried you would think I looked gross in it or something," she replied positively beaming from her son's praise.

Now before she loses her nerve she pushes forward with a bold and reckless plan that was beginning to take fruition in her heart.

She wadded her blouse into a loose ball and used it to dab a trickle of blood off his forehead. He winced at the pain of her blouse hitting his raw cuts.

"Sorry honey. Here you do it. Hold it in place as it is still bleeding just a little while I take off my skirt."

She slid off of the edge of the car seat from where she had been sitting next to him. She used the back side of the front seat for balance, gripping it with one hand, while she used the other to pull her skirt down and off.

Jimmie watched with rapt attention the unveiling of his mom's delicious ass. This time he does not even make a pretense of trying to look away as he knows it's hopeless.

He sees she is wearing a pair of pretty lace black panties. It only get better as she leaned forward over into the front seat placing her skirt there. His eyes zoom in on that delectable derrière of hers like a pair of twin laser beams.

He felt his cock growing hard in his jeans as he eyes maintained a bead on his mother's well shaped rear end. He gripped the blanket, thankful for its protective covering, tighter around his lower body in an attempt to cover his growing hardness.

Finally, after taking what seemed to be forever arranging her skirt in the front seat she turned back to him and asked, "Is it nice?"

"What . . . is what nice Mom?" He answered feigning innocence. How could she know he had been so intently staring at her ass when her back was turned to him?

"Why your mom's ass, of course, sweetheart. You were . . . ogling it . . . the whole time I was putting my skirt in the front seat, were you not?"

"Mom I was not . . ." His denial dies on his lips as she smiled and then tapped the rear view mirror. She whispered a single word- "Busted."

Of course, she saw him looking in the rear view mirror. How stupid of him! He turned a bright red embarrassed by this sudden turn of events against him.

"Oh, look he is blushing. How cute", she said with an unconcerned laugh.

The fact she did seem so wholly unconcerned that he had just been caught staring at her ass makes the experience all the more erotic. Jimmie said nothing in his defense, but instead tried to change the subject.

"I think it has stopped bleeding," he told her as he pulled her blouse away from his forehead.

"Let me see." She leaned in over him and examined the cut on his forehead. "I think you're right. It has stopped so let me get the ointment and clean this thing up a bit."

She grabbed the ointment out of the first aid kit and settled herself back down next to him making no attempt to hide her half naked body. "Now baby this is going to sting a bit. That cut is deep and nasty but we gotta get it cleaned out."

He nodded his head slowly distracted by her pretty bra and ultra-sexy panties.

"Here, straight from the bottle. It will help dull the pain sweetie." She handed him the bottle of whiskey obviously expecting him to take a big drink of it. Not wanting to disappoint her that is exactly what he does.

He winced once as the whiskey burned its way down his throat, before resting his head back against the seat ready for his mother to give him what he hoped was a whole lot of TLC.

What happened next was like a bit of heaven and hell for Jimmie. Hell because the pain was quite excruciating as his mother dabbed at the raw gash on his forehead. Heaven because while she tended to the wound she leaned over him so very close that he got an up close and personal view of her lovely bra along with the cleavage it exposed.

Finally, she was finished. She looked at him and smiled. "You were brave, barely saying a word hon."

"The whiskey did the trick I guess. It . . . you know dulled my senses, Mom."

"Well, I hope you can feel this." She was acting strictly on drunken impulse now as she leaned in and gave him a nice kiss on the lips.

"What was that for?" he asked while he squirmed in the seat. Between the kiss and seeing that racy bra up close and personal his cock was not exactly in a "relaxed" state of mind.

"For being so concerned about your mother that you were rushing back to the car and hurt yourself."


She shook her head no and stroked his cheek warmly. "No not clumsy . . . concerned. Then again you have always been concerned about my well-being haven't you?"

"Yes," he answered quietly liking where this was maybe heading.

"Just as I am about yours. Now that we got that nasty cut taken care of let's get you out of those wet pants and tucked under the blanket nice and warm."

She did not bother to wait for an answer. She reached down and pulled the protective blanket away and brazenly unbuckled his belt. She made quick work of his belt before immediately unzipping his jeans. He started to protest but she hushed him up quickly, "It is only fair James. After all, I am out of my wet clothes and in my underwear. Now you should be too."

He understood just how serious she was when she called him by his formal birth name. She yanked his jeans down slowly telling herself she would not look. She can't look. It would be wrong to look.

She looked anyways. Slyly, out of the corner of her eye, she beheld a most awesome sight. Her young son had a fantastically large bulge showing under his tight white briefs. As she pulled his pants down she took a second longer look as she pretended to be having a difficult time getting his pants off from around his ankles. Most assuredly he is hard. The very idea of this sent her heart racing.

The business of cleaning up his wounds finished they find themselves cuddled together, both under their own blankets, in the corner of the backseat. She was still shivering as he wrapped an arm around her and pulled her tight against him.

"So now that we are all alone and have a whole night to kill I wanna know why little Ms. Katie thought it was alright to break my baby's heart?"

"Mom stop being so dramatic. She dumped me that is all."

"I am drunk and when I am drunk I'm dramatic son. Get used to it. I can tell it's something bad as I sense a great sadness in your heart. Talk to me sweetheart."

He tried his level best to change the subject, but she was like a bulldog and simply would not let it go. She wanted to hear what was bothering him and that was final. Finally, he decided to break down and tell her a little bit of what happened.

"We were at a party the other night. Over at Johnny's house, his mom and dad were gone for the evening and there was like me and Katie and a couple other guys there with their girlfriends."

He paused while she added more Jack Daniels to the drink they were sharing. His eyes darted to her chest as the blanket has fallen away from her as she mixed the whiskey into the coke.

"I am listening," she told him before she handed him the large fountain drink now almost half filled with whiskey. They both took two quick drinks before he resumed his story.

Jimmies' eyes were glued to his mother's pretty little tits once she settled back down back next to him as amazingly enough she had not bothered to pull the blanket up far enough to cover her chest.

If she plans on showing off like this all night man you are in for a real treat, he thinks to himself trying to unglue his eyes from her chest.

He wondered if she was doing all this showing off on purpose or was it an accidental result of being drunk. Deciding it was best not to dwell on such matters he continued with his story.

"Anyway, we were downstairs just hanging out playing pool, listening to the stereo and then the lights got turned down."

"I am assuming the lights got turned down so you all could maybe start making out and messing around a bit huh. And I can imagine you were very much for this as that Katie is a pretty girl."

Jimmie made a face that his mother immediately picked up on. "What, you weren't really wanting to do this?"

"Oh, no, I mean I did, but me and Katie, well we had only been going out for a little bit and I . . . ahh . . ."

"You two had never really kissed before huh and now you would have to do it with other people around. I understand."

"Yeah, I guess that is it," he said nervously as he fiddled with the blanket.

Ellen has leaned back against the opposite corner of the backseat and has now, thankfully or to his disappointment, he is not sure which at this point, pulled her blanket back up covering her chest.

"And maybe, since Katie is older and I'm guessing, more experienced in such things that made it worse."

He sighed heavily, before he answered with a heartfelt, "Jeez I am such a wimp and how the hell do you know all this so perfectly?"

"Because I know you perfectly son and I guess you have never really made out with a girl before huh?"

"No, not really. You know I have always been super shy around girls. Plus a bit naive about sex."

"Yes, one of your many enduring traits hon."

"Yeah sure more like a curse if you ask me."

There was a long moment of silence as they both sipped on their whiskey powered cokes.

Breaking the silence he told her quietly, "There is more to it."

part One :

The second part :

the third part :

part Four :