Original source : @hakim lovelife
It is a fact, not a fantasy, that goes back to the investigation carried out by the French journalists in the state of Nepal, so they showed us the strange rituals performed by the inhabitants of this town " Les Sadhous du Népal " through the documentary " Les Sages de l'Himalaya " ... !!!
Video source : documentary Les Sages de l'Himalaya - youtube
So that the twentieth minute of the documentary appears, the action that i was inspired for doing this painting , was the man who is doing something extraordinary, can not It is done by any ordinary person !!!
So that the video shows the cleric, extending his penis, in a surprising way, and he was extending the paste, it was not related to one of the most sensitive members of the body, and he does not appear to be affected by the severity of pain
Do not miss the opportunity to watch this documentary full by weirdities and surprises..
don't forget to follow me : @hakim lovelife