In this series I propose daily ideas for new members who are interested in becoming #steemstem authors.
I will post an idea a dayish (it is the goal to post daily, but again real life>steemit for now). With this idea I will include a short description about aspects you may be interested in. If you read this idea proposal, and you like it, and you want to write about it:

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The Superfood Hoax
We all have heard about so called super foods. In addition to having good nutritional values, they are also "healthy", prevent cancer and have at least another health benefit. My favorite superfood add is that where this person drinks some pomegranade juice and the samurai in juice color comes. The makers of that juice obviously do not know about the benefits of reactive oxygen species.
Anyways, I have seen a documentary or a TV show and they were talking about how many of these superfoods are nothing but money-makers. Several points were raised and I think they are worthy to be investigated. The first one: they really are not that super. I mean, what is the concentration of the beneficial chemicals in an alcai berry? Is it really enough to prevent you from having cancer? The second: they may be "healthy", but they cause deforestation and pollution. Well, what do you expect if you want to buy an expensice berry from the Amazon where people make in a year what you make in a month. The third: There are cheaper, and better versions available locally. Have you ever read how healthy cabbage is? Or strawberries? Or Carrots? I think you can get all the cancer prevention and nutrion from superfoods from vegetables and fruit grown in your own garden. You do not have to cut down the rainforest, transport stinking berries under artificial atmosphere over the Atlantic or enslave rainforest people.
This post could be very interesting. I suggest that you read up some popular literature on "superfoods" and then read about their contents. You can compare that to local foods in your area and draw some conclusions about the claims I mentioned above.
This post may be difficult to write because there are not many open research articles available. At least my initial research did not yield any results. If that is the case with you also, you can always make this post more specific and look at several "superfoods" individually and then read up on science literature. I still hope that someone dares to claim this idea and write this post.
Previous Idea Suggestions:
- Suggestion #1: Onions and their Health Benefits
- Suggestion #2: Tea - The Silent Killer
- Suggestion #3: Essential Oils
- Suggestion #4: Biotechnology And Beer-Brewing
- Suggestion #5: Antioxidant Hype - Claimed by @deholt, build on by @csusbgeochem1
- Suggestion #6: Your Diet Changes Your Gut Microbiome Faster Than You Think
- Suggestion #7: Target Delivery Of Cancer Therapeutics – claimed by @lianaakobian
- Suggestion #8: Science Behind The Conspiracy Theory Phenomenon - claimed by @egotheist
- Suggestion #9: Influence Of Drug Overuse On The Human Microbiome
- Suggestion #10: Does The Brain Talk To The Immune System?
- Suggestion #11: Synthetic Cells
- Suggestion #12: The Forest – claimed by @davidrhodes124
- Suggestion #13: The Science Behind Friendships
- Suggestion #14: Is Bread Certain Death? – claimed by @davidrhodes124
- Suggestion #15: Our Savior Yoghurt
- Suggestion #16: The Perfect Shot
- Suggestion #17: Sexy Science
- Suggestion #18: Just How Dangerous Is Air Pollution?
- Suggestion #19: Charge Transfer In DNA
- Suggestion #20: Engineering Lactic Acid Bacteria To "Vaccinate" Against HIV - claimed by @micro24
- Suggestion #21: The Amazing World Of Neutrophils
- Suggestion #22: Dr. Mercola
- Suggestion #23: How To Get Rid Of Cancer
- Suggestion # 24: Sugar, Sweet Death
Helpful Links
- How To Find Scientific Sources For Free - Post
- SteemSTEM Guidelines - Link
- Everything You Need to Know about Uploading Images on Steemit [Tutorial & MarkDown] – Link - by @katerinaramm
As always,
Cheers @lesshorrible!
I, @abumaryam, claim this idea "Just How Dangerous Is Air Pollution?"
The worst part is the fruit/vegteble/meat itself, you see the part that makes super foods seem healthy is because of thier special properties and how did they get these properties by the right enviroment meaning soil,climate and others.
However bullshitty companys destroys what makes these super-foods super by
Because of these thr super foods arent as super as truly wild ones but even though the companys produced 2nd grade bullshit companys make products out of these like beauty cream,lotion,tea and more and the worst part its expensive even though the ingredients they claim are expensive they were cheaply produced.
In short just eat normal food because they contain all the neccessary nutrition which are acrually required everyday
@lesshorrible could you please guide me, how to create a link in the post?