Jedi Mind Fog: Episode 1478

in #noxsoma2 months ago

Full Metal Ox Day 1413
Saturday 11, January 2025
Serenity Year Episode 1478
**Noxsoma Life Camp:

Jedi Mind Fog

Long before Star Wars my Mother told me about a technique called "fogging." She learned it from a magazine subscription she had. I only realized this, and put these 7D puzzle pieces together as I recorded this monologue. The same way different civilizations have different names for the same deities, there are different names for this technique, less anyone try to coy right the method. Because of intangibility of this technique and thus its inability to be accurately measured, it can be portrayed in movies and a type of mind trick. It can be recounted in philosophical presentations as Zen Mysticism. It can even be mentioned by motivational speakers. We've used this without knowing it, but it usually doesn't come to mind as a practice.

This topic takes up most... no, all of today's episode. What the heck. It's Saturday. The funny thing about this series, is what I think are the best, most helpful rants, are the least popular. Not ready to cry "wolf." This is one of the reasons why we've moved over to Substack. Those who are ready will find us. They will be guided by Universe and we will be there... already in progress.

Today's Episode:

Supporting with Venmo (@noxsoma) helps to sustain the project.

Subscribe on Global Healing Initiative & Longevity Strategies [Noxsoma Life Camp 2.0]



SEASON 1 of FMO on the archives

Program notes
YouTube channel:

YouTube: [The Gymmy Jamm Season 11] Winter Wonder Jamm. We started focusing on the chest. Still early in the game. We will likely add this to our Substack & Patreon channels as well.

Frantic Friday - More with Less Ep-005 -

Longevity Training Park-03 Wednesday -

Hard Monkey Monday Ep-001 -

90 Minutes at a Time Saturday E-004 -

90 Minute Discipline Friday E-003 -

Starting off Right - Wednesday 2025 Park 02 -

3 Weeks New Habit Gym S-11 E-002 Saturday -

Get strong. Be strong. Stay strong. Don't panic. Don't freak out. Humanity for the win!

Living is the best part of life.

noxsoma life camp, zen mysticism, serenity year, vagabond philosopher, humanity for the win, longevity, fitness, health, consciousness