Freakdemic Freak Out: Episode 1475

in #noxsoma2 months ago

Full Metal Ox Day 1410
Wednesday 08, January 2025
Serenity Year Episode 1475
**Global Healing Initiative: Subscribe on

Freakdemic Freak Out

Spoiled in Florida. The temp drops below 75F and the vessel responds... with sniffles! We take a couple of extra Vitamin C to help us eliminate the debris, and we don't miss a beat.

We have a logical mind, thus it's unfathomable to Us (the Trinity) that the hierarchy enslaving you is running with the deadly contagion scam again. Here's a fun fun game; which of these dis-eases does not exist. Chicken pox, Monkey Pox, Camel Pox, Dinosaur pox, Pox pox? (Answer in the comments.)

It's Our duty as your Cosmic Representative to remind you that Universe wants you to Thrive in 25. (You includes me too because U is Universe.) Don't forget that.

We're doing a weigh in Wednesday. We haven't stopped tracking our progress. But we haven't updated our Cosmic Constituency in a few weeks. If We are to be an example, We must be consistent.

Flintstones flashback to finish our hump day offering.

And a new Episode of Noxsoma Life Camp is available on Align your mind and sip the magic nectar of Light.


Today's Episode:

Supporting with Venmo (@noxsoma) helps to sustain the project.

Subscribe on Global Healing Initiative & Longevity Strategies [Noxsoma Life Camp 2.0]



SEASON 1 of FMO on the archives

Program notes
YouTube channel:

YouTube: [The Gymmy Jamm Season 11] Winter Wonder Jamm. We started focusing on the chest. Still early in the game. We will likely add this to our Substack channel as well.

Hard Monkey Monday Ep-001 -

90 Minutes at a Time Saturday E-004 -

90 Minute Discipline Friday E-003 -

Starting off Right - Wednesday 2025 Park 02 -

3 Weeks New Habit Gym S-11 E-002 Saturday -

Body Building (Friday) Gym S-11 E-001 -

Park Session 01 (Moonday) Pull Ups in the Park -

Triple Play Day 3 (Saturday) -

Squats Bench Discipline E-120 (Friday) -

Get strong. Be strong. Stay strong. Don't panic. Don't freak out. Humanity for the win!

Living is the best part of life.

noxsoma life camp, zen mysticism, serenity year, vagabond philosopher, humanity for the win, longevity, fitness, health, consciousness