At The end of the Day - 9 January 2025

in #noxsoma2 months ago

At the End of the Day
Thursday January 9, 2025
Noxsoma Life Camp Day 315

Salutation Cosmic Constituents.

OMG! Today was so beautiful. Mid-sixties and sunny. This is gratitude, not bragging. It reminded me of Indian Summers in Philly. Every year that I can remember, usually in October, the temp would rise from mid-forties to high-sixties from two, or three days (on a weekend or off day if we were lucky). It's different in January though, because the Sun is in a different position. It makes a difference. We have a western exposure from our back room. From about 14:30 to 15:30 we receive a very fine glow of sol through the back windows.

I want to add a silent video, (or maybe some serenity sounds) to this video, to share some of the sights of the day. We'll give it a try.

I recently added Love & Gratitude to my daily routine. Every morning, I make a vibrationally infused cocktail with confidence and serenity and tolerance. I absolutely feel the difference!

The cool thing about positive attitude is that it's a personal, positive choice, which costs nothing in the matterium, but goes a long way. It lasts for hours and the more I practice it, the more powerful it becomes and the longer it lasts. This significantly increases spirit and psychic self defense rates, allowing your soul to receive the healing benefits on a cosmic level.

My top picks:

Serenity, Gratitude, Joy for positive energy & mental clarity

Love Reduces anxiety & boosts healthy mentality

Peace Mental-bolic & heart-health stimulation energizes the Trinity.

We live every day with intention, verve and serenity. We call this Serenity Year because We have experienced manifesting what We speak. This isn't our first thematic year. This practice began in 2016, I (Ego) called it "Bajai Year" (#IYKYK), which was dedicated to breaking free of the System. (More on that later in the series.) 2017 was called Freedom Year. Boy, did that ever live up to its name. Little did we know that simply christening a year with what We wanted to "manifest" would work so well.

This is one of the secrets shared in Noxsoma Life Camp. There's so much mystical mumbo-jumbo out there that's aimed at a material success, the mental is neglected. Grossly neglected. That is until someone has a mental meltdown. Next stop Narcoticsville.

Yours truly has been dealing with the shock & noise of a security door in decline. It hasn't been secure for seven months, so it's just left unlocked. I mentioned, kind of in jest, but to make a point, that religious solicitors wandered in uninvited. The most recent development, we're talking a matter of days, is that the mechanism that keeps the door from slamming isn't working. Previously mentioned as well. We figured out that we must control the door to keep it from slamming. Many of my neighbors, or so it sounds, haven't caught on yet.

However, Universe steps in and slaps me in face like that Batman meme. As I'm stepping out of the back door, one of the upstairs neighbors exits the front door, and closes it without slamming. Universe says. "You don't hear the ones that don't let the door slam." Not all of the neighbors however, have caught on yet.

It takes a while, but we eventually catch on. I don't know how many times that door has slammed behind me because We hadn't made the mental adjustment. These are testimonials in mindfulness, in case it seems too vague. It takes a while to detect this stuff mainly because we are busy chasing that metaphysical pay day. We want to manifest millions, so when we pick up a penny on the floor in the check out line, and the account comes to $6.71, most people either ignore it or downplay the experience.

In for a millie, but not the penny.

No work out scheduled today although we felt we could get one in. Our energy level is higher than it's been recently. Must be all that stuff we talk about & practice, behind the curtain. Ha ha.

Here's the link to yesterday's training:

Have you checked on your LA friends and fam? Are they ok? Are you out there in the fire zone? Are you okay? Holla!

Freakometer Quotes (A few quotes from my news feed. Anonymous, of course.)

"Get out of this country if you can. If you haven't started planning, start now."
Reply: (Just for here) Where are you going? How are you getting there? (This is a good topic to follow up on. We'd been on the road for three years before C-19, so we have some experience being out of the country.) Of course maybe he's talking about the recent immigrants that have arrived.

"I think we should get a complete refund for the 2025 experience thus far, and credits to even continue this experiment."

I think this one is funny in a cynical way, because I'm a cynic myself. After a tour of duty in the military, what's happening now is nothing. It even seems funny at times. You can't stop the roller coaster at the top of the rail. No refunds. No credits. No do overs. "You knew the job was dangerous when you took it!" Tough it out.

This is your teaser...

Is "virtue signalling" still a thing? It's very much 21st century language. You know, the way you can tell an 80s song by the synthetic melodies. You can literally hear the curl activator in every chord. That's how 21st century lingo is. It doesn't flow. It's verbal dissonance that makes you make the wtf dog face.

I don't get out much and I have discarded most of the fluffy indie-media I listened to in my pre-Apocalypse Year days, so I don't hear many people being accused of signaling their virtues anymore. Maybe it was just that one guy.

"Hey, check me out. Watch me pay for [go viral] this family's groceries. I'm a good and virtuous human being. Only 3 million views?? You people suck!"

Speaking of (apparently) obsolete phrases. How about "resting bitch face"? Has a treatment been found for that RBFS "syndrome?" Let me know in the comments.

I think that's all from your Cosmic Congressman today folks. Remember, Universe loves you. It's pulling for you. You have to do your part to align with It. When you do, life gets considerably better.

Today wouldn't be complete if We didn't promote our Substack healing back room series ( Check it out. It's just getting started so you haven't missed much. It will be easy to catch up. This Saturday I'll share with subscribers a chronic ailment I've been battling for a very long time.

Goodnight night & Good vibes.