in #novel5 years ago (edited)


I hope you like the novel you'll read in several parts. This intriguing novel has a lot to offer you my dear readers, you will live another stage of fear, excitement not associated with ghosts or demons. But, time. Sometimes when we run out of time and every single minute can change our life, then it's the most challenging and creepy experience. Moreover you will have the urge to read more and more as this breathtaking events will increase your excitement and thrill. My dear reader, this novel shows you how solitude can be a mercy sometimes, you may want to change your boring life. However, sudden changes that occur in your life can be worse than your daily routine! This the case of our hero John Adams who is perhaps the most unfortunate person on Earth, and one night has changed it all! He'll find himself struggling to stay alive, not to reveal the dark truth.

John Adams, perhaps the most unfortunate person. This fact must be agreed before we start his tale. If we had acknowledged this fact since the beginning, we would have received a genuine explanation to what will happen to him later. In case you ignore John Adams, don’t mind this issue because you’re now going to know a lot. But first you ought to believe right now that he’s a real unlucky person.
Do you truly need to know the reasons first? Are you still skeptical? This is your right!
Let’s start with the fact that John is an alone man even though he’s already thirty four years old. Living on his own is not something he chose, believe me. It’s true that his parents passed away at a very early age. And it’s also true that they left nor siblings, neither relatives to look after him or just make him feel not alone. However john’s solitude is far complicated than this. John is an individual without friends. This is due to his lack of any social skill which would normally push someone to become his fellow. Moreover, John doesn’t have any neighbors. In fact, the apartment where he lives is the only one occupied in the whole building. As for the other apartments, a wealthy man decided to buy them all so that his kids plan their wedding in these apartments. This matter only made John much more alone. And especially John didn’t have a wife like others.
Welcome to John’s depressing life. He wakes up on his own, eats alone and sleeps alone as well. The day he will disappear from this life, he won’t even find someone to keep remembering him.
So now, at least we can agree that John is alone.
Unfortunately his sinister life doesn’t stop here, he suffers from health issues, not only this but his body doesn’t give him any opportunity to be valued by others. For instance, his short height just makes him disrespected. In addition to this, he’s so skinny that his cheeks bones are clearly noticeable. You can feel that his neck is lifting a skull instead of an ordinary face. As for his health disorders, the poor suffers from horrible headaches at least twice or three per month. This problem is due to a birth defect affecting his tightened sinuses.
John went to the doctor lots of times, but in vain they all failed. No doctor could offer him any help since the illnesses he suffers from rarely affect people. Actually, Doctor Alex, who’s well known for his skills, told him his sinuses swell when he breathes air. As a consequence, they get locked. This exactly what causes him the unbearable headaches. The only solution, was to try to avoid breathing hard and reduce his exposure to wind especially during the winter. In other words, he mustn’t breathe a lot or hard till he dies of suffocation.
You may think it’s enough, but this is not all Mister John has troubles with.
Usually, a carrier starts with graduation. In his case, John got his diploma majoring at Media and Communication. He studied in a pretty good university where he got his Diploma in excellence with honors. The high grades and the nice reputation of John usually would enable him to apply for a great job and easily be accepted. Nonetheless, for some reason the university he teaches in decided to stop hiring professors for the next years. That’s how John forever lost his chance, and he graduated from the university like every other one without a bright future. Even though, he was putting a lots of efforts to succeed in his carrier.
Despite these disappointing events, he never gave up and kept looking for any job which can be offered by a public or a private press. Each time he starts his day with several researches, he meets a beautiful lady who gently apologizes for no longer accepting new job appliers.
Although he’s the first one to apply for the job, they keep refusing his demand. However, he was accepted one day to work for a magazine. Before you shout loud thinking that he has a bit of luck, I first must tell you that this magazine is called “The Magazine”. If you think a magazine with a weird name like this one will succeed, then I won’t try to convince you more of the bad luck of John Adams.
In “The Magazine” magazine, they assigned him to write in the accidents rubric giving him a really low salary. Nevertheless, it was a must for him to accept otherwise he won’t find any other job. But this peaceful coexistence is sure going to disappear one day.
The editor in chief asked John to join him in his office at the end of the day. This means, in the journalism world, that there’s a serious matter awaiting John. This day hasn’t provided any bright side yet, a sinister thing is about to happen.
The day when you abruptly woke up before even the sun rises on the loud screaming of your building’s guard. The day when you find out that your car no longer works. The day your sinuses get even tighter and warn of you of a near terrible headache in its way whereas your laptop becomes a garbage after being caught by a strong virus. This kind of days is certainly not going to finish with a good new despite of any wish you have got within.
At the end of day, John will get into trouble. This disaster is just a proof of how much John Adams is the most unfortunate man ever on this earth. Now that you’re convinced, you’ll be ready to follow the whole story of this unlucky individual till the end and how one night has changed it all.

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