Sleeping with Moccasins - a multi-part Novel/Story

in #novel7 years ago (edited)

This will be the first part of many for a non-fiction novel I have begun writing. Feel free to share you opinions!

I arose at sunrise lying in a frantic oasis with nothing but a broken compass in my pocket facing permanent south.
The wind rising in speed as the sand hits my left elbow where my Jean jacket is torn.
A sense of paranoia begins to set in as per usual I assume.
Where am I again?
I push that thought to the back of my mind and ponder the feeling of water hitting my tounge.
Just the bare thought of liquid begins to create a dry salivation in the roof of my mouth.
I move my right hand from the craddling position I had wrapped around my lower stomach.
Hunger... Thirst... Cold... all run simotaniusly thru my foggy sense of thought as I whipe the sandy crust mixture built up in the corner of my eye socket.
The setting around moving chaoticly as I sit stagnent awaiting on the clouds to pass once more so my body can bask in the shimmers of heat coming from the east.
I must have fallen asleep while in search of susitence.
Trying to peice together what exactly I am doing in the middle of this rapid sand storm.
Am I dreaming?
Where am I again?
I motion my mind to stand but it doesn't seem to want to communicate with my body

to be continued....

Thanks for the read! <3

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Dude this is RAD. I finally got to read it all.

You have a minor misspelling in the following sentence:

Trying to peice together what exactly I am doing in the middle of this rapid sand storm.
It should be piece instead of peice.