I was working at a school let's call it P and Q at the time. I loved my job and had great rapor with children and collegues alike.
I went into school and spoke about poor Nick over lunch of all things, talking to the head of Science and his Technitian who's family lived in Deli.
I spoke of how I had always wanted to go to India and would love to now even more so as a tribute to Nick.
The Technitian said we should all go using her family home as a starting point to tour the Rajastan.
Well I thought nothing of it and that was that back to reality the usual running round like a blue arse fly at work, then home time to start all over again as mother.
The next day at lunch, Mr.Blip announced that he had booked the trip to India. I nearly choked on my lunch, how could I possibly go?
The kids, money for the trip, the copper that I was dating. What the bloody hell was he going to say about this. Me travelling around India with this short little old dude with round specks and his technitian.
P and Q was a high school in Fulham let's just say it had a reputation. Let me put you in the picture a little.
It was run by a grey haired chap, well let's just call him Mr. Toss. He loved the sound of his own voice, shouting put downs and general negative vomit at the children.
Great role model not!!!!
Anyway he used to make himself busy and then get his usual nosh off from the head of English. A stick like woman with bright red lipstick, needless to say the red lippy wasn't just on her mouth afterwards........... to be continued.
By Gina Sarasini