Been slim

in #novel5 years ago

Being slim is the new trend. The girls in school say so. The guys now like them babes 'slim and beautiful'. Then, you want to belong. You want to join the 'slim and sexy gang'. At least, it'd be so romantic to have your demanding boyfriend carry you in his harms effortlessly.
Gradually, you begin to indulge in a lot of rigorous exercises to shed the fat. But, it isn't working. ' Maybe, I'm eating too much' you think. All for the ' skinininness', you begin to eat like an ant.

mum is shocked! Dad finds it unbelievable. Jane, the foodie of the house and cook extraordinaire begins to detest food. Dad and mum think you're going through tough times. It happens, she'll be fine. They say after pestering you a thousand times to let them in on your woes. You mumble an 'inaudible nothing'. They get tired and leave you be. With time, those outstanding hips and pert breasts of yours begin to shrink. You're loving it! Who wouldn't? 'Slim and sexy is bae'.
And that was how ANOREXIA NERVOSA built a tent in your once beautiful body. You no longer cared about the stinking food hidden under your bed. Your best inspiration is the Barbie dolls. You can't wait to look like them.

.... Your menses become irregular, you're scared. Your next port of call is the doctor's. You find it difficult telling him of your demons. But, you eventually do. He refers you to a psychologist who talks sense into you. But, your brain is so porous! It absorbs nothing. Since Anorexia stole your menses, you devise a plan. You decide to start eating well again. You're smart!

You now begin to go on FOOD BINGES. You eat like a starved horse. And in the safety of the toilet, you stick a finger down your throat and you vomit everything. You even take purgatives too..
And that's how you got BULIMIA NERVOSA(Self-induced vomiting).
You become a pro. You just stick a finger down there and the food comes pouring out. Due to your constant self-induced vomiting, your palette is hardened. Your once shapely body is gone. You're just a sack of bones. But, you don't care! You love it. Thoughts of loosing more and more fat are the only thoughts in your mind..

Babe, you need help! You can still be 'slim and sexy' reasonably. You are committing a slow suicide. Eat right, exercise right and shed the 'ugly fat'. Your body will surely respond beautifully to shedding fat the right way. But, if your 'fat genes' choose to be stubborn to exercises and the right diet, rock it hun!
Rock the 'boldness' of your body and boss up!
Of course I know 'bossing up' won't be so easy.
Start with accepting your body. Wear your skin with joy and accept the fact that your happiness comes first before anyone's. Eat right, exercise right, even if the beautiful fat stays, flexibility and joy will come surely. Life is too brief to waste on Anorexia, eat well.
Hold it in, You're greater than Bulimia.
I love you dearest, you're ' beautifully bold'.
© Ijeoma Anastasia Ntada.