Matrix Code

in #notpoetry5 years ago (edited)

Circumstance and mind states can shift so rapidly
Life can exhilarate or suck your soul vapidly
Embrace what you have
Shift your perspective
You're not obligated to obey the directive

Making the same mistake
Too can be sacred
Embracing the ritual
Suspending the hatred

When one truly sees past the veil
Even for a brief moment
A choice has been gifted
To move beyond the torment
To summon talents that have been lying dormant

The battle for the universe is within
Not outside
They tricked me and they tricked my kin
But the truth does coincide
With doors inside the human mind
That remain locked most of the time

To digress
I must confess
I've always despised being talked to like I'm a three year old
By grown adults that possess
Less than a third of my perceptiveness

But in this culture everything is about money
Imaginary digits typed into a computer screen
That the bankers and global elite have utilized
To successfully enslave all of humanity

Money, a store of wealth, in itself is not a terrible thing
It is what money has become
The belief in such an absurd system
In which dollars are created from thin air
Shall cause untold amounts of despair

And they tricked every single one of us
Into believing that this is what makes the world run
But in truth it is you
You make the world run

They don't need to steal it from you
They can print it from thin air
But they do so anyway
This is called human farming
This is called human slavery

And when you look far enough back
That's why the human race was created
To mine gold for the Annunaki
So it's in our DNA
To submit
But what's also in our genome
Is the will to resist
The will to persist
You'd do better not to enlist
Just raise up your fist
Above your head
Nobody deserves to be hit
No one deserves to be dead

There are only the masses
Whom are grossly misled
The fuse on the powder keg shortens
But the battle is all in your head

They want your soul and your mind
So they control the opposition
The solution is to be kind
While you carry out your mission
Some bring the strength of fission
Others bring the strength of fusion
But my friend I must stress
It is all just an illusion

A beautiful one albeit
I don't know how so few see it
'Cause when they make a film about it
You all fill every seat


Posted using Partiko Android