Thanks for following up abject misery (I'm so sorry you sure make it sound bleak) with your joys.
I'm seeking out help, even though I don't really expect it to help me.
is not such good news though. Why not stop wasting your money? I'm quite peeved with mental health professionals of late. They are often pushing political agendas while making us feel inadequate that we don't naturally embrace those same agendas; we are considered ill, often in need of medication, if we do not embrace the agendas. Also, get your kid out of public schools. Children are no longer safe there, no more safe than they are at doctors' offices. They get poisoned in both of those places, and made slaves. Look at your slavery, then be free. That's advice, freewrite advice. I hope you don't mind.
A) the help I was referring to was meeting with a career counselor
B) I'm also meeting a psychiatrist for untreated ADHD. No one is pushing a political agenda. My mom was diagnosed late in life, and started medication that has very clearly from both her perspective and an outside perspective improved her quality of life drastically
C) There are many problems with public schooling, sure, but the solution is to support the schools. Be an active parent and support with your volunteer hours if you can. Read the latest studies on child psychology, be data driven yourself and help the school craft improved intervention methodology. When parents remove themselves and their kids from the public school system, they silo themselves from their communities and make themselves and their community that much less resilient.
D) I'm not sure what you mean by people are made slaves at the doctor's office. Maybe you mean because you have to chain yourself to debt in order to access healthcare? I'm lucky enough to live in California, where Medicaid access is extended to low income parents of young children, so my healthcare is free.
Thank you for the reply!
I sent three kids through public school, and wish mightily that I had not. They have been indoctrinated with Democrat party ideals (I have been registered Dem for 50 years now) and view all things through an atheist and politically liberal lens. Given that our conservatives are being denigrated for simple moral stances, and their lifestyles greatly hampered, and given that I believe in freedom, I oppose our children being politically indoctrinated by issues such as climate change, vaccination, blind trust in our obviously deeply corrupt government (right and left), and the like.
I used to think as you do about public schooling. Support the community! No child left behind! Until one of my children was funneled into restrictive learning situations because he couldn't quite comply with the onerous rules, was required to get medication for his supposed focus issues or else, was required to get western med treatment for something we were treating naturally, and essentially was so grievously harmed by western medications and school-based incarceration that he did not survive his twenties. No he did not do drugs. No he did not kill himself. Iatrogenic disease is killing our children, and the schools are, in many cases, forcing those dangerous drugs on them.
So you mentioned that your child is having the types of difficulties my son had beginning in fourth grade. His schooling was a nightmare for the entire family after that. I wish I had removed him. And now that I have had this experience, I find that many others have had the same. We are marginalized, judged and somewhat invisible, anmd there are a great many of us. There must be alternatives for children who are struggling to perform in those settings. As it is, we lose our best and brightest, our most innovative and energetic, to lifelong medicalization and psychotherapy. It's nuts.
I am so sorry for your loss. That must be devastating. My heart goes out to you. Sending so much love.