Let me clarify what I said a couple of posts ago about the price of my attention.
I am not an upvote bot!
I am not an upvote service
I am selling my ATTENTION.
So what does this mean exactly?
It means that when you send me 1 SBD (or 1 Steem) a fleshy human being (myself) will look at your post and judge it just like I would any other post.
Think hard about the ramifications of this. Sometimes I sleep, sometimes I'm taking a bath, or going for a walk, or out shopping. It may be some time, perhaps even many hours before I even have a chance to look at the post.
I am not an upvote bot.
I'm not even sure how people got this idea. I never said anywhere that I was an upvote bot, certainly my post never said that.
I have never in any way, shape, or form promised an upvote from a wallet spam with money. I am under no contractual obligation to provide any sort of an upvote, or a sufficient upvote from an unsolicited wallet spam, and I'm not making that promise now.
I am promising you my attention, not an upvote.
If you send me 1 SBD, all I have to do is write a comment on your post saying that I have read it, and I will have fullfilled my end of the deal.
Does that sound like a good deal? No? Then don't send me any money.
My attention is non-refundable
Generally speaking, this service is not refundable. It's not like I can take back my attention once given, right?
When you send me money for this purpose you are taking some risk. Think of me as Randowhale if you like.
(comic from www.userfriendly.org)
If you have trouble understanding this post, then please just don't ever send me money, because I don't have time to deal with you, and refund you everytime you fuck up. If you become too troublesome as a customer, I'm just going to blacklist you from this service.
I only want to deal with smart people, sorry.
Tips on using my service:
I will not upvote spam or plagiarism, or crap posts.
Don't send me a link to post less then 30 minutes old.
Don't send me a link to a post older than 6 days
I like to keep my voting power between 100% to 90%. Check my power first. If i'm getting closer to 90% then my votes will get weaker or non-existant.
If you are too dumb to follow instructions and you harass me for votes or refunds. I'm just going to blacklist you from this service.
Why not just run an upvote bot. You'd probably make more money.
Yep, I probably could make much more money and Steem would just have one more bot, and become that much more crap.
If I send you more money, do I get a bigger vote?
No, see, you are treating me like an upvote bot again. I am not an upvote bot. You would get more attention, whatever the hell that means.
If you have read this post and understood it, then I ask you to write that you understand that I'm not an upvote bot in your comment along with whatever else you were going to say.
I am not an upvote bot.
I make no promise of an upvote.
p.s. Totally not an upvote bot.
Allright cool, I'll send you 1 Steem.
Check out my latest post and feel free to do whatever you want. Follow, resteem, upvote, downvote, flag, mute or just plain ignore it if you think it's crap content.
such confidence man !speechless
that is what steemit needs
@fitzgibbon is a boss, please follow his example.
followed him!
now i will follow his example
PEOPLE WANT MANUAL WHALE CURATION :p At lowest price possible with most possible profit. That's the name of the game @neoxian, I appreciate you clearing the air and hopefully, people will now understand how to use your service PROPERLY! cHEERS:))
@neoxian you are doing great job for the community. Your attention encourage us to write good.
I thought you made it clear the first time....
I betting money that people will still think you a upvote bot and that the comments on this blogs are hero worshiping you just to get an upvote.
It always makes me laugh.
IDK why. :)
It doesn't matter how much I try to dumb it down, there will always be a few that don't get it, but I have to try anyway.
I understood it completely the first time as well.
I thank you as my posts got pretty generous upvotes which just means that they were worth your attention ;)
yeah truly you are not an upvoting bot, you are a human flesh and have blood in your veins that i understood and guess everyone should be whoever has read the post... a friend of mine suggested me to send the SBD, in return you will upvote... but i haven't done yet as i didn't post anything since past days... i understand the conditions and will work accordingly... thanku 😊
lol that was fun to read.. hey buddy(bot) .. i like that you're I AM NOT A BOT like dont u guys understand.. I AM NOT

Definitely not a bot.
I am clear you are not o/
Really I don't think you are an upvote bot, I don't remember you have mentioned it anywhere or you haven't mentioned it till now, what I remember is neoxian is a bank lending steem users money so they can benifit the platform as well as themselves , I remember I have send you a SBD recently and I got an upvote from you I think my post was worth it then, now if I want an upvote I have to go through your instructions first, It's really a good initiative. People post shit and get an upvote by sending bots money, this shouldn't happen the post should be worth an upvote. I support your idea.
This is very good service. You are nice person and doing great job for steemains. Positive minded peoples are not think you are bot, just negative peoples are thought about it. Well i know that you are not an upvote bot 😊
yes it is 100% right. you are not a upovot bot. you have a bank & your banking system have not a upvote bot. Thanks for your information @neoxian sir.
The last thing we need is more automated voting. It's lowering the quality of the trending page as I just posted about. It's crazy that people are spending $500 to get up there. I wouldn't. I've got some human supporters who give me votes for nothing and I accept that won't make me trend or rich.
OMG I'm really sorry to know that some people misunderstood what you've been doing on Steemit :(( You've done a LOT to make Steemit a better place and some people are just posting crap! Wish those people could be smarter and more considerate. Have a nice day, cheer up!!!! :)) (maybe you could consider adding the sentence "I'm not an upvote bot" in your personal description ;pp)
That's a great idea. Done.
Haha that’s great!!! Things would be easier now :))
I knew that you are not a bot
What I learned here :
Steemit is not only about UPVOTES & Money
It is about writing..
It is about reading..
It is about knowing people and their side of the story..
It is about learning..
It is about finding a path to follow..
It is about keeping yourself motivated to write better..
It is about broadening your thinking..
It is about spending your time productively..
It is about making you think from a different perspective..
It is about writing without any expectations of UPVOTES..
Happy steeming....enjoy your life...
Cheers~~~@neoxian sir...
I understand that you are not an upvote bot. I was shocked when I checked your wallet where so many steemians sent you post links to get an upvote just like any other bot.
It's really good that you make a post to clear them. Maybe they are clear now! Best wishes,
I hope they are clear!
Hope so..
haha... now I'm wonder if people will copy the 3 days ago post after checking out the wallet. :-)
I love your attitude though, you are amazing anyways. Yea you are human flesh and I know that
you should better understand this paper not until later you will be reported.
Thank you @ neoxianI have read and understood the writing @neoxian. he is not an upvote Bot that asks steem/sbd from you to vote for him for you. @neoxian has warned us repeatedly.
Yes i agree with you that you are not an upvote bot and its great thatr you clear in this post because if any one think that you are a bot then i think after reading this post they will understan
and next time they are be care full about this because you already promise that you are not a bot so it not necessory that you refund them are upvote them I appereciate you for this information
Thank you for your understanding.
great attention for thos who think you are bot and after all you have great thought for posting this
thanks for your attention
You really are not Robert There are a few smart people here I wish good dealing
You are a wonderful person and really successful
I'm neither Robert nor a robot.
Yes that is time to inform because alot of steemians are confused that you are a bot are not and your post clearly this confussion apperecated
Yes sir, you not an upvote bot and i agree with you.I am sure your system like banking system.
Subsequent to perusing your post @neoxian I have comprehended that you are not an upvote bot. It is the matter of a typical perception that a creator dependably upvotes those commentors who are honest to goodness and to the point, this ought to be comprehended for all.
yes i am confused about that. now i am clear about this. you are a not upvote bot. thanks for clearification. best wishes for your work. thanks @neoxian sir.
I'm glad I was able to clear it up for you.
thank you so much for your reply.
I recall is neoxian is a bank loaning steem clients cash so they can benifit the stage and additionally themselves , I recollect that I have send you a SBD as of late and I got an upvote from you I think my post was justified, despite all the trouble at that point, now on the off chance that I need an upvote I need to experience your directions initially, It's extremely a decent activity.
Thanks a lot @neoxian sir for your FAQ. i know that you are a not like this. you are a legand & supported all steemian's by your banking loan system. but some of people may be misunderstanding to this issue. i hope so now they are clear about this issue. keep it up sir.
great. we need this information because some of my friends also tell me you are a upvote bot but i can't believe their word. now i am 100% sure. Thank you so much @neoxian sir
I am so happy for see your post today. because you clear this issue you are not upvote bot. you promise that your attention for us not a upvote bot. thanks a lot @neoxian sir for your information. Now steemian's can understand about you.
well, thanks for your clearification. i don't know why people's think like that you are a upvote bot because you already clear that your previous post, you sell your attention. thanks for the FAQ. i hope now they are clear now.
yes. thanks for your important information. when i see your wallet that time i smiling to see this because maximum people thought that you are a upvote bot.
But we know that you are not a upvote bot. you clear this issue by your previous post. thanks a lot @neoxian sir.
That is an ideal opportunity to educate in light of the fact that a lot of steemians are confounded that you are a bot are not and your post plainly this confusion appreciated.
I concur with you that you are not an upvote bot and its awesome that are you clear in this post in light of the fact that if any one surmise that you are a bot then I think in the wake of perusing this post they will understand what's more, next time they are be think full about this since you as of now guarantee that you are not a bot so it not necessary.
Hello, I just started to follow you yesterday it's good to know and know all this information, I'll be aware! I think you give great support to this community, and you worry about clarifying the terms, others would not care and leave it at that.
this world doesn't deserve good at all
people can do anything for there benefit
i think your attention is worth more than 1sbd
increase the price ,the people with some quality content only will pay for your attention
I might consider raising it if the workload becomes too much.
they will not understand it directly
you have to take a step
Peeps get misunderstanding because of your attention post. Nice to see you cleared them in easy words. Hope they understand now
Yes, you are big whale on steemit. I like your profile ❤️
Yeah Sir, You are totally 200% right, They think you are a upvote bot service -_-
Thank you for your attention :)
i understood it very first time that you are not a bot, there are people so dumb here to think that, poor dumb people...
I can understand sir, you are not like this. you don't work like this upvote bot. you just work for the bank of neoxian. i hope they are now clear who thought you are a upvote bot. thanks sir.
Hahaha I am smiling those people who was thinking you are a upvote bot. I think now they are clear @neoxian sir. Thank you so much sir for your this post. I think this is a emergency post for everyone. all guys are should be learning from here. thanks sir.
you are right @neoxian sir. thanks you clear this. so many people thinking you are a upvote bot. but i am your fan, i know that gou are not a upvote bot. you are a great man & you working for us. thank you very much @neoxian sir for this kind information.
I think everyone should read your post. At present, there is not an upvote service but you are such a great person.
I just follow you, i'm new steemit member.today i post my introduceyourself and have details me.see my post your free time @neoxian
i think when there content is not strong dont upvote them
they will definitely leave you alone
you can also consider flaging
it's very clear. finally this post is present as well. but I'm not sure many people understand it. however, those who do not understand will feel the consequences. but I hope you are not as cruel as your threats. because I know you do not have the heart to put them on the blacklist unless they are outrageous. thanks for sharing sir. i like you.
You are amazing and honest I do not know some people think that you are a robot and you live your own way and do what you want it your life.
It's great that you create a post to remove it. Maybe they're clear now! Good luck,
Hahaha. Hilarious.
They think you are an upvote bot.
That's really stupid.
They don't see the difference in a bot and a bank.
😂😂😂u r one of those man, check ur wallet
Sure, but you know I understand the difference.
Bots give you upvotes according to the number of kids placed. And @neoxian gives the upvotes as per the quality of the post you send in the memo. I think you are one of them, you don't understand the difference.
oh i see
I don't think you do understand. Or do you ? 😂
Everyone Know you are nice guy but there are always some bastards who don't understand things and then blame you for that but don't gave attention to them you will always be great and the person is lucky who got your attention only.
I understood what you said and I think you're smart for thinking about this service. I just don't have 1 SBD to spend on my posts yet. But maybe soon I will!
The reason behind the increasing attention value is to reduce spam. So that is a good thing for platform.... We for sure believe in you... And there is no way you can be a bot... So you don't need to give any explanation.