Wow...nice to see again best and famous Raider and Tara....
Merry christmass sir...
And merry merry christmass for our lovely Raider and Tara...
Good luck...@tommyhansen sir Actulay I'm realy like and love parrots..I'm realy like ur secand photograpy..
Beautiful parrot you have....
So stunning shot..
When I was a kid.. I love it so much.. but when I grew up it's scary me... Lol but this your own make me like it back.... If u can get such colour I will get one..
Merry Christmas ... And tomorrow is my birthday too 25th December.
I am glad and my heart is singing along with reidar and tara and after seeing this pic i am feeling as my life gets a new life.
Please keep on posting about tara and reidar at least on weekly basis. I miss both of them so much.
So now wishing both tara. reidar and tommyhansen a happy and prosperous Christmas.
Thank you and Have a Great Day.
that was very fun to hear
you will see them soon
happy xmas
Wish you a very happy new year with new surprises and happiness
Such a great post wow merry chrisrmas dear friend
Thanks for merry chrismas
it's caled nature's giftand you have the best gift of nature because they are so cute and beautiful..
@tommyhansen - Sir, wish you a Merry Christmas.... And Happy New Year too... Nice couple of lovely parrots & I wish them Merry Christmas too Sir...
+W+ [UpVoted & ReSteemed]
nice pickture
happy xmas
you had very cute parrot i wish i could have some like them☺ wish you a happy new year. .. @tommyhansen
Wow...nice to see again best and famous Raider and Tara....
Merry christmass sir...
And merry merry christmass for our lovely Raider and Tara...
Good luck... @tommyhansen sir Actulay I'm realy like and love parrots..I'm realy like ur secand photograpy..
happy xmas too you
Reidar and Tara will be back soon
very happy you like them
i like your tara so much i want to see new pic of it hope you upload soon ☺ @tommyhansen
For Reidar Tara
Beautiful parrot you have....
So stunning shot..
When I was a kid.. I love it so much.. but when I grew up it's scary me... Lol but this your own make me like it back.... If u can get such colour I will get one..
Merry Christmas ... And tomorrow is my birthday too 25th December.
happy new year sir
wish you and your family happy xmas day.reidar and tara are of luck.
It is about knowing people and their side of the story..

It is about learning..
tommyhansen again many many thanks my dear friend. I am always with you dear.have a nice time with them.

You're so nice for commenting on this post. For that, I gave you a vote!
thank you,your so sweet.
I given this nic birds