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RE: New immigration crime statistics report in Norway

in #norway7 years ago

Yeah, It doesn't really matter if you put forward some argument that doesn't take into consideration..well..facts. I'm sorry. I'm not trying to be rude or anything. But nursing wouldnt' just collapse if it weren't for immigration, especially taken into consideration that the population growth in UK and all other countries is mainly because of immigration. Sure..there are a lot of babyboomers who "needs to be taken care of" but to be honest, they are the generation that brought all this mess onto us, so good luck with that..

Listen, simple facts: Immigrants from third world countries participate A LOT less in the work force. There aren't primarilly Afghan or Nigerian doctors and nurses. There are sri lankan, Indian, Chinese and Eastern europeans nurses.

Work force participation of people from third world countries are Norway (and i suspect it's pretty much the same in the UK) is on average 60%! For women it's under 40%. Compared to ethnic norwegians 85% of men work and 80% of women. Immigrants from western and eastern europe AND east asia have HIGHER work force participation than norwegians. Conclusion: We WANT these kinds of immigrants. They don't commit violence and they contribute to our society.

But the problem is, governments are not interested in these immigrants. They want immigrants that need government. And immigrants that need government are immigrants that does not intend to work or are basically unemployable due to low IQ, pysychological problems or cultural/religious "baggage"

Now once you start importing people with 30-40% lower work force participation the welfare state collapses. This is of course a painfully slow process and the generation that will notice it the most are unfortunately not the baby boomer assholes (again,not everyone..but in general - those who have been cheering on more government and more immigration) but MY generation, and also MY son.

We are left with the chaos that we had no say in. Sweden (and the rest of the west) are experiencing the start of it. Elderly thrown out of sick care. Forced to take care of themselves in their own home until they die in a puddle of their own urine and shit because they fell over. Children going to school and kindergarden in terrible conditions. Drug addicts, gypsies shitting in their playground. Beggars on every street corner. Higher crime. Theft. People having to work until 70-75 years old. No pension.

Fact is, we did not have this kind of society when I was a kid. We had none of the problems I'm portraying. If there was a murder it was on national news. Today there are murder rapes every week in Sweden, and since I'm married to a swede I hear horrible stories every day from people living there. At the same time leftists and feminists are trying to cover over it. It's an insane asylum.

I'm not talking about you when I'm arguing against immigration. I'm not talking about my brown friends neither. They are here because they like it here, and they contribute and share my values. I'm talking about statistics and facts. I'm sure I have a soulmate in Liberia, but it would be like finding a needle in a haystack.