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RE: Good cholestorol? HDL/LDL video from Mic. The Vegan

in #norway8 years ago

Thanks, I'll take a look at the information you linked to.

I've got the dr. Lindberg "Smartkarbo" book, in which makes the claim I (possibly unprecisely) quoted, and at least there he references at least one major meta study which supports his claim.

On the other side, the Cochrane organization has also published a meta study on the subject, and they didn't come to the exact same conclusion, but if I remember correctly, not to different either.

I write these things off the top of my head, so please take the details with a grain of salt.


Hello, sorry for not responding to this before now.

Please link the source :P But I belive you are refering to;jsessionid=1542448B24F5E13B19BE74F5CC52888B.f03t04

The typical mediterranean diet is often high in whole food, and as a base it was traditionally vegeterian. Its lower in both meat and dairy than the usual northern european. Dr. Greger which i linked to above, has a 6 part video serie on the mediterranean diet, this is the first one "" and you can find the rest of them below the video. Its to many sources to site here, but you will find them all under the videos. If you prefer reading the studies instead of watching the videos, have at it :)

I would also like to point out High carb diet (from whole food, not white rice and candy) has a correlation with longevity. Search up blue zones (not to say the stress and life style of the general population in the blue zones does not mather).