
God bedring gutter
Hilsen fra London

Kos deg masse i London

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Takker og bukker @Momar. @Gyldenhorn @Onebitnews

We are human beings, and we can not always be healthy and always available, we must all participate and give good quality content for this famous magazine, even if this week you met constraints but I see that you have still remained faithful to your effort and great work.
Happy continuation OneBitNews, with all my wishes for all members of the magazine, and good recovery for our friends who became ill with the flu.

This week we are back again and hopefully stronger than before :)
We are looking forward to this weeks magazine!!!


Kindest regards

Thanks a lot @Lovework @Gyldenhorn @Onebitnews

That"s Great to know resteem and upvote.

Auda! Dere får ha god bedring og ta det litt med ro :) kanskje unde dere en Onebitnews lagtur ned til varmen? :P Forstår fra dem hjemme at snøen har vendt tilbake, selvsagt nå som jeg ikke er der(!), så husk sjerf og lue :D

Hei @Fredrikaa Langtur ned til varmen hadde høres ut som en god ide. @Gyldenhorn og jeg stikker til skogs denne helgen for en liten vintertur. Skal sjekke ut noen nye små tjern vi har sett på google earth. Varmen får vi ordne med litt buljong :) Hilsen @erlendgroseth For @Onebitnews

Dere får ha en god tur, og ikke glem å ta noen gode bilder som dere kan dele med oss når dere kommer tilbake :)

Da ønsker jeg dere begge en god tur :)

Hei, @fredrikaa.

Jeg tipper du holder til på vestlandet (når du ikke er i Paris)? For her i øvre Telemark har vi hatt snø sammenhengende siden november nå! Det er utrolig hvor store forskjeller det kan være på nokså korte avstander her i Norge.

Det stemmer du :) Er fra Stavanger. Ja, jeg har sett en del bilder derfra med folk på ski. Heldigvis har vi en hytte i Sirdal, også på vestlandet, hvor det er godt med snø, så fikk tatt meg en tur hvertfall da jeg var hjemme i julen :)

Kan se for meg ganske andre forhold på den siden av landet ja! Jeg har aldri vært i Stavanger, men jeg har vært i Bergen på vinterstid, og det er noe ganske annet enn her på Østlandet. Det var godt at du i alle fall fikk med deg litt snø på hytta i alle fall ;)

Hva er det vi ser i bildet i headeren? Kan det være et motiv hentet fra en by på østlandet? (:

All OneBitNews er bedre enn ingen OneBitNews. Eg tek det eg får, som kona sa då ho eg fridde(?)
Håpar de vert fort friske og ikkje like vridd i sinnet som eg vert av den ekstremt irriterande Lyden-av-steemit konkurransen :)

Uff da, vridd i sinnet høres ikke så bra ut. Det er ikke en tilstand du bør være i så lenge av gangen.
Bare å gjette riktig å bli ferdig med det! ;)

Hei @driftnerd Hilsen @erlendgroseth For @Onebitnews

Ein vis mann sa ein gong: Jeg vil, jeg vil, men jeg får det ikke til (kjelde ukjend).
Takk igjen for god underhaldning!

Jasså ja, 1 som sitter uten Internett i 2018 faktisk! Njaa, syns reklamene for både Telia og Telehor sine ufattelig, amazing, best i test, billigst og vannvittige 4G dekning har rulla over TVen så mye i 2017,at det var like før jeg spydde. Så, jeg er nysgjerrig på hvor denne mystiske "tredjemannen" befinner seg, Mount Everest? :)

Neida, synd med mannesjuka og et litt amputert @onebitnews magasin denne uka. Men, da blir det jo enda bedre å kunne glede seg til en litt fyldigere utgave neste uke!

God bedring, og lykke til med Internett til "tredjemann" ;)

good job , friend .
we also have a dream to publish a magazine in myanmar language by our leader @kachinhenry . Thank

We in OBN wishes you all the best! Please give us a nudge when you and your friends launch it :)

Hi @shweyaungmyanmar Best regards, @erlendgroseth For @Onebitnews

Thank you ,friend . I promise &
I wish for growing your magazine .

Helt greit dette, det blir vel bra liv i kommentarfeltet vil jeg tro :)

Hehe, kommentarfeltet hos @onebitnews pleier som regel å ha gode diskusjoner, så vi lesere får vel klare å underholde hverandre mens redaksjonen fokuserer på å bli friske :)

God bedring!

Håper dere ikke blir liggende for lenge.

God bedring da, alle dere i @onebitnews!

With the effort of everyone here we will be able to succeed and go far in this platform.
As much as unity is strength, so much discord exposes to a quick defeat.

Thank you for still putting out the magazine under these tough circumstances!
I wish you all a quick recovery and a safe trip.

Can anyone explain why this fall of Steem and SBD? it's been 4 continuous days that their prices keeps decreasing! will it stay that way? Will the steem price go back to its previous price of 1 USD?
I would like if someone professional on cryptocurrencies can give us some information !

When the market has a huge surge like the SBD and Steem did, a correction will most likely always happen, because a currency cannot rise forever. Since a market cannot be linear (stay stable), it also needs to fall in value every once in a while, and this is not something to worry too much about. There will always be dips and corrections in the open market, and you should consider them to be a good opportunity in buy some Steem for cheap.

PS. I know you asked for a professional to answer you, but I took the opportunity to speak my mind since no one had replied for a few days. Hopefully you will get a better answer from someone that is more skilled than me soon.

Best regards from @valth.

I want to thank you very much @valth for your answer, I find what you say and logical and I can say that I am a little convinced, while waiting to receive other points of view, I wish you a good start of the week. Best Regards @Redouanemez

You're welcome, @redouanemez :)

It's always good to get second opinions when we are talking about investments that could potentially either make you win or lose a lot of money. I wish you a good start of the week as well :)

Hello @ ramta, @ gyldenhorn, @ erlendgroseth :

First I wish good recovery for the two who are sick with the flu, and who will be healthy very quickly.
Thanks to OBN for its efforts to share new topics despite the constraints you have this week.
As usual we are going to have a good time with this magazine this week, hoping for more useful and rich contributions from everyone.

Finally, I would like to give a little modest advice to fight the flu:
To get plenty of energy, choose foods rich in vitamin C such as citrus fruits, kiwis, peppers, cabbages ... In general, do not hesitate to consume fresh fruits and vegetables. If you do not have an appetite, liquid foods will be better: plug in the blender and make up fresh juices, smoothies and purees.

Lets hope it is just regular flu and not the feared manflu. The latter is potential deadly. We also know that manflu puts a heavy burdon on the family and close friends of the poor soul who who is ill.

Remember to hydrate!

I think I'm under the manflu.
(Can't speak for the others...) Overdosing on Ginger and Orange shots and trying to get over it.

According to an article I read online men do have it slightly worse when under the flu than our female counterparts. Had something to do with a generic vulnerability to certain viruses. And of coarse I am using it for all it's worth. :)

Hi @idigitCheers, @erlendgroseth

Nothing better than ginger and lemon to get rid of the flu, to relieve a sore throat, a headache, to clear bronchial tubes.
Ginger is a valuable spice that I have tried several times and the results were outstanding.

Thank you @onebitnews, of course I will continue to do my best to participate with good content, when we do something we love it is sure we will continue and each time we give something richer than before.

best Regards.
yes you are right @anik-hassan, with good content by everyone we will surely succeed together. It will be better to add a photo for your profile @anik-hassan.

hopefully they are in a state of pain quick heal, in order weekly updates this magazine back to normal as usual.

we are always enjoy posts by this magazine, although the short though, I think you pretty hard work when friends you in the condition unwell and moment friend traveling and without access to the Internet.

Hopefully a quick heal and be sure to keep his health ... Regards for @onebitnews and sponsors this magazine.

Godt jobba OBN! Vi er alle gla for en utgave uansett :D

wow, it's a great job @onebitnews... very wonderful magazine. i like it.

semoga teman anda yang sakit cepat sembuh, jadi majalah ini masih berjalan untuk memberikan informasi kepada kita tentang steem.

Some of the information was unknown thanks
Nice post .
its a really informational post.
thanks for share.

good news .. thanks for sharing it..