One Bit News - Your STEEM Magazine - Issue 16
7 years ago in #norway by onebitnews (64)
- Past Payouts $46.11
- - Author $35.29
- - Curators $10.82
48 votes
- susanne: $22.00
- tommyhansen: $7.67
- barbro: $5.96
- babsboard: $2.64
- siggjo: $1.51
- onebitnews: $1.25
- momar: $0.98
- gyldenhorn: $0.94
- valth: $0.73
- tbnfl4sun: $0.56
- flatman: $0.53
- partywalrus: $0.28
- jeroll: $0.26
- joklahoma: $0.13
- k3nb0b: $0.10
- steingal: $0.09
- driftnerd: $0.07
- alvheid: $0.06
- everydaycoach: $0.05
- hossainsohag: $0.05
- and 28 more
Yes, gleder meg til å ta fatt på denne utgaven av One Bit News. Garasjesalg-ideen er bare helt konge synes jeg. Tror jeg må gå igjennom kjelleren min og se om det er noe som kan selges der. Synd at jeg bor så langt unna Fredrikstad, ellers hadde jeg garantert vært med på meetup.
Hyggelig å høre at du gleder deg til å lese magasinet denne uke også. Godt å ha med dere alle fra uke til uke.Hei @Susanne
Vi kan også nevne at vi er ganske så fornøyde med ideen om garasjeslag. Dette er nok noe som kommer til å være med oss i tiden fremover og vi er veldig spente på hva du kommer med. Regner med du har funnet noe du ikke har bruk for lengre siden du nå er så flink og er i full gang med oppusingsprosjektet av huset ditt.
Neste gang vi har meet-up får du prøve å legge turen om Fredrisktad hvis du har noe arbeid på Østlandet.
Ha en fantastisk uke!!!

@Gyldenhorn @Onebitnews
Takk for en strålende dag i går. Masse mat nytting info å ta med seg videre i utviklingen av vår del av steemit samfunnet. Var veldig hyggelig å hilse på hele gjengen og takk for god mat og drikke👍Hei @onebitnews
Jeg foreslår at du skriver noen ord og legger ut link til posten du skal lage om vårt fantastiske Meetup i en reply til meg her.
Vil benytte anledningen til å takke de andre deltagerne for alle gode innspill dere alle kom med som ga meg mye innsikt og mange gode ideer.
Her er @Momar sin link til hans post om @OneBitNews Meetup:
Er dette et innspill til levende @OneBitNews logo?
Med vennlig hilsen
@BabsBoard - En samarbeidspartner til @OneBitNews
Hei, her kommer link en til posten :-)
happy to read your topics.
Good to have you with us and hope you like our magazien.
The idea was to make a place here on the platfrom that could gather some of the users and so far it seems like we have sucseeded.
Just let us know if we can help you with any thing.Hi @Amalmez
Kindest regards
@Gyldenhorn @Onebitnews
That's very kind of you @Gyldenhorn Thank you @onebitnews
Hei @onebitnews.
Jeg må dessverre informere om at jeg ikke har mulighet til å komme på meet-upet i morgen likevel :( Dessverre har det seg slik at jeg har blitt syk, og den hang i litt lengre enn jeg trodde den skulle, så jeg har ikke overskudd til å ta turen helt til Fredrikstad i morgen tidlig. Men jeg håper dere får et flott treff, så satser jeg på at formen er bedre neste runde!
Og beklager at jeg ikke sier ifra tidligere, men jeg hadde jo trodd at formen skulle ha forbedret seg innen nå :/
Hilsen @valth
Hei @Valth
Synd du ikke fikk kommet, men slik er det med sykdom. Mann vet aldri når den slår til eller hvor lenge den varer.
Det kommer sikkerte ikke til å bli den siste gangen du får mulighet til å være med på en slik samling :)
God bedring!!!
@Gyldenhorn @Onebitnews
Like the bird that is gradually nesting, the @onebitnews group progresses slowly and thus allows a nice variety of rich and interesting content.
I think the idea of selling on OBN knows a good interaction from several members and it proves that it is a good added value to our famous magazine.
Happy sixteenth week to everyone.
Well come to the sixteenth issue of OBN!
Last week was profitable and enjoyable for me as I win in an auction in the garage sale issue. I'm still far from home now but I will be back next Friday and will put an item to sell cause I'm sure I have things I don't need anymore.
Regarding the meet-up, I say Good luck! Things are always a bit difficult at the beginnings. But with time it becomes smouth.
I wish a great success to @onebitnews! My beginnings in steemit was with you and I will support you until we all succeed!
Nice to see that you won the action.
When you get back to your home you will have to find something to put up for sale. All we here at OBN likes a good bargain!Hi @Hasmez
We are looking forward to the meet-up and cross our fingers for it to go well.

Maybe you will get the opportunity to attend next time.
Stay safe for now!
Kindest regards
@Gyldenhorn @Onebitnews
By putting good content together we will make this good community succeed.
Hello @onebitnews, and welcome everyone in the sixteenth week of our kind magazine! I would like to inform our dear founders of OBN that there is a problem in the page of the sound of STEEM, I can not launch the sound and I tried it on Chrome and Firefox without results !
My best wishes to everyone.
Thanks for letting us know about the sound. It should be fixed now.Hi @Redouanemez
Kindest regards
@Gyldenhorn @Onebitnews
Hope the magazine was as good as the coffee :)Looking good @Agdali
Kindest regards
@Gyldenhorn @Onebitnews
AHMAGAAD! I just realised I didn't really get to read last weeks magazine! Guess I have work to do now. Hope the weekend will turn out great for you and your meeting. Sucks that I can't be there.

Hello OBN and its followers.
I hope that the preparations for the meeting are going very well, I wish you good luck.
I think that the transactions through the garage sale page have started to move, which is really great.
As for the theme of technology, this week's topic is very important and I tried to share with you a video describing the change in particle behavior in the presence of external measurement or monitoring devices, it's really great.
Jan Garbarek, the saxophonist and Norwegian musician has honored us in the music page.
I wish good luck to the obn followers and for me also in the sound of steem game.
I poured a glass of wiskey and will enjoy a cigar with this week's issue of OBN! It sound's like a good one and enjoy the meetup!
Hope the cigar and the wiskey tasted fine. What kind of brand do you prefere while reading OBN?

Maybe we could write a story about it?
Kindest regards
@Gyldenhorn @Onebitnews
I like Jack Daniel's Black Label it offers a quick, sweet finish. Nice oak notes, a hint of spices, and perhaps a touch of cedar mingle with a warm caramel finish that gives way to white pepper and walnuts.
The price on this Tennessee old number seven sour mash is quite reasonable and can be had for around $49 US.

Founded in 1866, the Jack Daniel's distillery is still located in the small town of 360 inhabitants of Lynchburg, Tennessee.Located in a dry county where the sale of alcohol is prohibited, it now exports to all four corners of the globe the famous whiskey produced from local spring water and filtered on charcoal.
The classic vintage called "Old No.7", which has made the reputation of the house, evokes vanilla, corn, caramel, banana, and toffee. An approachable whiskey, with an astonishing roundness that makes it a staple of the bar; to be enjoyed by the fire or to serve as a cocktail.
I am not American but I think this information is accurate :)
@tbnfl4sun you can confirm that since you are an American ;)
I would love to come but I Live in a very far country ( Morocco) but I have this idea in my mind to setup a meeting here but need to make a schedule for that , i hope i can achieve it soon
There are a lot of other people for Morocco here at Steemit so I belive it will be a sucsess.
Why dont you reach out to the oterhs to see if you guys can do it togeather?
Kindest regards
To sett up a meet-up in Morocco sounds like a great plan @Soufiani @Gyldenhorn @Onebitnews
I wish we make it real by the end of springWell @aminekad @redouanemez i think that we must gather up, but first we need to be organized before that, so we need to make a group chat were we can organize the process for making a Meetup , then we need to make a large advertisement on the social media.
It seems like you already are going strong in the mather to gather up more people in Morocco.
Hi again @Soufiani, I know that @Redouanemez is a great guy an guess he will be very helpfull.
Kindest regards
@Gyldenhorn @Onebitnews
I didn't get any reply from any one and I'm waiting for one :)
I wish you good luck @soufiani for your idea of organizing a meeting in Morocco, it would be a good initiation because I think that few people in Morocco already know this platform.
Well already i reached 4 people here 😀
Good idea @soufiani i will be honored to work with you.
Hello @onebitnews, I am very happy to join your valuable magazine, i liked its content very much from interesting articles and I would be very thankful for your efforts.
I also want to thank @redouanemez and @hasmez Who directed me to this magazine purposefully.
Hi, I’m a new steemian, and I’m very happy for two things, firstly because it’s a special deal for me , secondly, because I think that your magazine wil be very helpful for me.
I drink coffee while reading OBN magazine.
Waiting for this week issues and the news about the meet-up.
Hassan Alaoui
I hope you are well .
firstly I loved the idea of this magazine that really caught my attention.
I find Issue 16 great.
we're waiting for issue 17 with a lot of eagerly, especially the game article and the super hint, the Garage sale article and new products to buy.Good evening @onebitnews,
Your magazines are so great and this is a good thing about me
Actually I do not have any kind of sale.
I hope I could get a ticket and join the 1st ever meet up in norway. Huhu too bad it's too far away from my country. I'm sure it would be a lot of fun. Many fellow steemians will arive and will get to know each other. Will there gonna be another garage sale on the 1st meet up?congrats @Onebitnews hoping for your successful event.
hei @onebitnews Takk for din støtte, hva en god ide å ha en avis, jeg vil forsøke å lese nyhetene dine og jeg følger deg allerede, det er første gang jeg ser innlegget ditt, hilsener til alle, jeg er fra Venezuela , Jeg er veldig glad for å komme hit og lese dette innlegget.
I believe that one day steemit can go to moon.I hope those day is not so far.

thats great news @onebitnews
@onebitnews what would be the title?
STEEM Magazine,,,,,,,,,,,
wow ... i am so curious about that
some bloggers dont even read post @onebitnews
what is the plan for Sunday ?