
Her var det mye Jeg ikke visste om julenissen og Rudfolf!! :) Så hyggelig det var å lese om dette. Takk for at dere står på og lager innhold. God jul!

Hei @susanne
Har hatt det gøy med å lese oss opp på historiene rund jul i det siste og da er ikke veien lang til en artikkel for OBN vet du.
God jul!
Hilsen @erlendgroseth
For @onebitnews

Har ikke lest denne før nå. Skal innrømme at jeg ikke er så veldig opptatt av nissen, men dette var jo interessant lesing. Kanskje ikke så overaskende at det er Amerikanerene so har "kommersialisert" han da :)

Rudolf is my favorite Cristmas song!

Merry Christmas @onebitnews

Merry X-mas to you and your family @Tbnfl4sun

merry xmas.jpg

Kindest regards

Thank you @gyldenhorn it has been a great pleasure getting to know you this year!
I wish you and your family very Merry Christmas, mine has been great!

Very nice music @tbnfl4sun, I love many instruments used in the song without forgetting the voice of the magnificent singer.
Thank you for sharing with us and have a good Christmas.

I wish you a very merry christmas also @redouanemez!

Fun fact: Mannlige reinsdyr feller gevirene før jul, så nissen kjøres åpenbart rundt av simler.


God jul!

Haha, så du mener å si at Rudolf er en dame?
Hilsen @erlendgroseth
For @onebitnews

Tja, det er vel mer en kunstnerisk dumhet, som her:
(Men for all del, det er hyggelig at også barnebibelillustratørene nå har tatt igjen resten av oss på frigjøringsfronten.)

Hehe! Ingenting er som fakta!

Julenissen er en artig skrue. Alle de fleste var redd istarten av livet, til vi innså det var en vi kjenner hehe.

Fin ting ved jula å sitte ut julegrøt, det er noe jeg husker godt!

God jul alle sammen 🎄🎄🎄

Congratulations @onebitnews, this post is the ninth most rewarded post (based on pending payouts) in the last 12 hours written by a Superuser account holder (accounts that hold between 1 and 10 Mega Vests). The total number of posts by Superuser account holders during this period was 1279 and the total pending payments to posts in this category was $9232.47. To see the full list of highest paid posts across all accounts categories, click here.

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God jul! Det var artig å få lest seg opp på historien til julenissen, og ikke minst Rudolf med den røde nesen. Også veldig gøy å se at dere skrev et ekstra julenummer i tillegg til ukens magasin :)

greetings share a good post of steem platform

merry christmas everyone.hope everyone get a great holiday.wish you get a happy life. Resteemed.

Very interesting information my friends, I will soon visit him, I always read and wait for this news magazine. Congratulations and success for you for your struggle and hard work. 😎😎😎

Hi @saifmmc
Thanks for your kind words

Merry Christmas
Best regards @erlendgroseth
For @onebitnews

Yeah together, hopefully your magazine is growing rapidly 😀😀😀

Artige nissenews. God jul til heile gjengen!

Viktig med litt nissenytt også vet du @Driftnerd :)

merry xmas.jpg

God Jul til deg og dine

Julenissen er altså ekte, han finnes, jeg har selv sett han med mine egne øyner på Norad sin JulenisseRadar, har til og med laget en liten post om han.

Første skrivene om nissen er vel fra rundt 1500 tallet mener jeg.
En tysker som hadde vært i lappland og beskrev samene, hvor de kom med nødvendige salver midtvinters.

Hello and merry Christmas to u all

Nice post about the Christmas. Did you also know that the Christmas tree tradition is supposed to come from Germany?


Anyone that can recognize two Royalties on this painting:-)

Of course it will alway be some that not agree, this is one web site saying >quoteThe first documented use of a tree at Christmas and New Year celebrations is argued between the cities of Tallinn in Estonia and Riga in Latvia! Both claim that they had the first trees; Tallinn in 1441 and Riga in 1510. Both trees were put up by the 'Brotherhood of Blackheads' which was an association of local unmarried merchants, ship owners, and foreigners in Livonia (what is now Estonia and Latvia).
While others say that the traditional Christmas tree started in old Germany and as a fact.
The first recorded Christmas tree can be found on the keystone sculpture of a private home in Turckheim, Alsace (then part of Germany, today France), dating 1576.

Merry Christmas and a happy New Year

Santa Claus is not a modern invention, but on the contrary it comes from a very ancient tradition dating back to the 3rd century AD.

Santa Claus would have originated Saint Nicolas. We find in its representation all the symbolism of St Nicolas (white beard, red coat ...).
Santa Claus travels in a sleigh pulled by reindeer, Saint Nicolas traveled on the back of a donkey. Despite the Protestant reform of the sixteenth century that suppressed the feast of St Nicolas in European countries, the Dutch kept their Sinter Klaas (Dutch name for Saint Nicolas) and its distribution of toys.
When they moved to the United States, Sinter Klass became Santa Claus. Santa Claus undergoes sartorial and cultural transformations to turn into a more friendly Santa Claus.

Kult! Her var endel jeg ikke visste fra før! Keep up the good work! God jul!

Happy Christmas to everybody

Good information and quality, this magazine is appreciated, thanks for sharing the news!

joyeux noël

Beautiful video about Rudolf that you can show your children, the son of my sister loves it a lot :

Merry Christmas to you and to all the children of the world.

Happy holidays in your family

Happy Christmas...where is my gift ??💕?

Hi @usahil
Merry Christmas
Best regards @erlendgroseth
For @onebitnews

it is so helpful, thanks fir sharing, marry christmas.

Hey @onebitnews
very intersting post......../////////

Amazing news 💕👏👏👏👍
Such a nice ....

Congratulations @onebitnews, this post is the ninth most rewarded post in 24 hour.
Julenissen er en artig skrue. Alle de fleste var redd istarten av livet, til vi innså det var en vi kjenner hehe.…
God jul alle sammen.

Wild'n'Free Diary wishes you all Merry Christmas and peaceful holidays.