
James Blake always speaks of delicate, difficult and often harmful feelings.
The Color In Anything is the story of a missed date. These fantasized stories that ultimately seem only to disappoint.
James black is an artist to follow.
Anyway we are dealing with a complete album, long, which can accompany us whatever the state, time, envy.

I do not know this English singer, but when I did a little research
I found this wonderful song.

One of my favorites, this is James Blake at his best.

hi dear @onebitnews’s team and followers
I have never heard of this artist, and thank you for giving me the opportunity to discover James Blake and discover his singing style. a sound that allowed me incredible relaxation after a long tiring day.
Once the video has finished broadcasting, I proceed to search for other songs that I enjoyed, I suggest you to see this video clip and hear the song that I really liked as an interesting idea.

Many have discovered Blake through Limit To Your Love, originally made by Feist, thank's for sharing.

This music transports us for a moment in a timeless space.
Influences so varied.
James Blake is an electro-soul magician who works miracles with music.

Jeg må være helt ærlig, James Blake har aldri klart å truffet meg noe særlig. Jeg setter pris på produksjonsverdien i låtene, men det er noe ved låtene som ikke helt treffer meg. Nå skal det sies at jeg ikke har lyttet noe til James Blake siden jeg hørte gjennom debutplata, så jeg er villig til å gi dette albumet en sjangs. Kanskje 5 år er det som skal til for at jeg forstår meg på musikken hans.

Dette er uten tvil musikk man både trenger tid, i tillegg til riktig modus. For min del krever det absolutt stillhet og rolige omgivelser, etter en slitsom dag med behov for avkobling.


One thing that can be said about Blake is that he is not one to play the elitists.

A music that challenges the listeners is the adequate expression to describe James Blake's music, moreover, he chooses everytime a specific lyrics which emphasizes the feeling.

Blei for sært for meg denne veka. Eller er det eg som er for sær. Sikkert det siste, men no veit eg i alle fall meir om kven James Blake er :)

Greit å ha kunnskapen, så har man muligheten til å briljere i en quiz når anledningen byr seg.

this article gave me a chance to know James Blake or "Harmonimix
Prince of the Valley of the Wind ". thank you @onebitnews
I share with you an electro song that I listened for 4 years ago

Look at this child ! he really had a very beautiful voice !

I do not know where he is now ? and what does he do ?

James Blake How We Got By
I share with you this beautiful song and video clip